
A simple Node.js library for managing your users on AWS Cognito User Pool

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Easily manage your users with AWS Cognito User Pools

This library is a wrapper around the javascript frontend library aws-cognito-identity-js to easily manage your Cognito User Pool in a node.js backend environment.


At the root of your project, do:

npm install --save cognito-user-pool

Then in your project:

const poolData = {
  UserPoolId : USER_POOL_ID, // your user pool ID
  ClientId : USER_POOL_CLIENT_ID, // generated in the AWS console
  Paranoia : PARANOIA_LEVEL // an integer between 1 - 10
let CognitoUserPoolWrapper = require('cognito-user-pool')(poolData);


Actual data to pass to the function depends on your user pool settings.


Signup a new user:

CognitoUserPoolWrapper.signup(params, callback)
params: {
  "username": "string",
  "password": "string",
  "attributes": [
      "Name": "string",
      "Value": "string"

Signup Confirmation

Depending on your settings, email confirmation may be required.
In that case, the following function must be called:

CognitoUserPoolWrapper.signupConfirm(params, callback)
params: {
  "username": "string",
  "confirmationCode": "string"

Resend Signup Confirmation Code

If the user didn't receive the signup confirmation code, they may request a new code:

CognitoUserPoolWrapper.signupResend(params, callback)

params: {
  "username": "string"


Login an existing and confirmed user:

CognitoUserPoolWrapper.login(params, callback)

Note that username can be any alias field as defined in user pool settings.

params: {
  "username": "string",
  "password": "string"

This function returns either authentication tokens (more on that later) or a custom challenge for continuing the authentication process.

In that case, you get:

  "nextStep": "string",
  "loginSession": "string"

With nextStep being either MFA_AUTH or NEW_PASSWORD_REQUIRED.
MFA_AUTH means a SMS was sent to their cell phone with a code to add to the loginMfa method, while NEW_PASSWORD_REQUIRED means they need to reset their password in the next step with loginNewPasswordRequired.

If authentication was successful, you retrieve instead 3 auth tokens and the associated expiration dates:

  "refreshToken": "string",
  "accessToken": "string",
  "accessTokenExpiresAt": integer,
  "idToken": "string",
  "idTokenExpiresAt": integer

Please read [https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cognito/latest/developerguide/amazon-cognito-user-pools-using-tokens-with-identity-providers.html] for more information. The token you will need to authenticate against this module later on is refreshToken.

Login: MFA

Using the information from the login method and the mfaCode received by SMS:

CognitoUserPoolWrapper.loginMfa(params, callback)
params: {
  "username": "string",
  "loginSession": "string",
  "mfaCode": "string"

Login: New Password Required

Using the information from the login method:

CognitoUserPoolWrapper.loginNewPasswordRequired(params, callback)
params: {
  "username": "string",
  "loginSession": "string",
  "newPassword": "string"


This method invalidates all issued tokens.

CognitoUserPoolWrapper.logout(params, callback)
params: {
  "username": "string",
  "refreshToken": "string"

Refresh Session

Generate new refreshToken, idToken and accessToken with a new expiry date.

CognitoUserPoolWrapper.refreshSession(params, callback)
params: {
  "username": "string",
  "password": "string"

If successful, you retrieve 3 auth tokens and the associated expiration dates (same as login):

  "refreshToken": "string",
  "accessToken": "string",
  "accessTokenExpiresAt": integer,
  "idToken": "string",
  "idTokenExpiresAt": integer

Get MFA status

If MFA is enabled for this user, retrieve its options. Otherwise, returns undefined.

CognitoUserPoolWrapper.getMfa(params, callback)
params: {
  "username": "string",
  "refreshToken": "string"

Enable or Disable MFA

CognitoUserPoolWrapper.setMfa(params, callback)
params: {
  "enableMfa": boolean,
  "username": "string",
  "refreshToken": "string"

Get profile

Retrieve all attributes associated with this user.

CognitoUserPoolWrapper.profile(params, callback)
params: {
  "username": "string",
  "refreshToken": "string"

Edit profile

Use this endpoint to edit all user attributes except phone (see below).

CognitoUserPoolWrapper.profileEdit(params, callback)

If the Value of an attribute is left empty, that attribute will be removed.

params: {
  "username": "string",
  "refreshToken": "string",
  "attributes": [
      "Name": "string",
      "Value": "string"

Edit phone number

Use this endpoint to change the user's phone number.

CognitoUserPoolWrapper.profileEditPhoneNumber(params, callback)

If phone_number is undefined or null, it will be removed and MFA will be disabled on this user.

params: {
  "username": "string",
  "refreshToken": "string",
  "phone_number: "string"

Change password

Use this endpoint to change the user's password.

CognitoUserPoolWrapper.passwordChange(params, callback)
params: {
  "username": "string",
  "refreshToken": "string",
  "oldPassword": "string",
  "newPassword: "string"

Forgot password

Start a forgot password flow.
Cognito will send a passwordResetCode to one of the user's confirmed contact methods (email or SMS) to be used in the passwordReset method below.

CognitoUserPoolWrapper.passwordForgot(params, callback)
params: {
  "username": "string"

Reset password

Finish the forgot password flow.

CognitoUserPoolWrapper.passwordReset(params, callback)
params: {
  "username": "string",
  "passwordResetCode": "string",
  "newPassword": "string