
An elasticsearch cartridge for Openshift. It includes Kibana 4 as its dashboard and uses Nginx 1.7 as a proxy server.

Primary LanguageHTML

OpenShift Elasticsearch Cartridge

This cartridge provides an Elasticsearch cluster as a standalone application with a Kibana 4.0 dashboard. Kibana is served on the root / and Elasticsearch on /elasticsearch. A health check url is also configured and is on /health.

To create your Elasticsearch app, run:

rhc app-create https://cartreflect-claytondev.rhcloud.com/github/ajagnanan/openshift-elasticsearch -a <app>

If you want to create a Elasticsearch cluster, append the flag --scaling:

rhc app-create https://cartreflect-claytondev.rhcloud.com/github/ajagnanan/openshift-elasticsearch -a <app> --scaling

Adding extra nodes to cluster

To add more nodes to the cluster, simply add more gears:

rhc cartridge-scale -a <app> elasticsearch <number of total gears you want>


To install Elasticsearch plugins, edit the plugins.txt file, commit, and push your changes.

cd elasticsearch
vim plugins.txt
git commit -a -m 'add plugin x'
git push

You can also install plugins from a .zip file. Simply place it inside dir plugins/, git add, commit and push.

Plugin urls will be served off of /elasticsearch/_plugin/<name>/.



Elasticsearch configuration is built on-the-fly with the file config/elasticsearch.yml.erb, concatenated with any other files found in that same dir (except for logging.yml and elasticsearch.in.sh). Files ending with .erb will be pre-processed using ruby's erb command.


Nginx is configured by editing the file nginx.conf.erb from the git repo's root.


Kibana is configured by editing the file kibana.yml.erb from the git repo's root.


Authentication and authorization is handled by elastic.co. The two plugins needed are license and shield. The steps to enable security are:

  • uncomment these two plugins in your repo's plugins.txt file

  • uncomment the credential lines in your repo's kibana.yml.erb file

    kibana_elasticsearch_username: kibana
    kibana_elasticsearch_password: elastic
  • push repo

    git commit -a -m 'adding authentication and authorization'
    git push

The esusers utility can be run with the following command:

e.g. $OPENSHIFT_ELASTICSEARCH_DIR/usr/bin/shield/esusers useradd admin -r admin

The server should not need to be restarted. A default kibana user is bootstrapped so that Kibana will work.

Caveat: The config directory that elasticsearch is using is located in $OPENSHIFT_REPO_DIR/config, but the esusers script updates the $OPENSHIFT_ELASTICSEARCH_DIR/usr/config directory. For now, the following can be done in order for credentials to be picked up:


Do note that this will overwrite the bootstrapped configs, so re-adding the kibana user is necessary.


Only Kibana is upgradeable. The setup looks at an environment variable to handle the upgrade.

The steps are as follows:

  • rhc set-env KIBANA_VERSION=4.0.2 -a --namespace
  • trigger a deploy by pushing a change with git

Note: only Kibana 4 is supported by this cartridge


This cartridge is MIT licensed.