
Coding Game Merger (merges files in a folder into one file served by Coding Game plugin)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


CodinGame Merger (merges files from a folder into one file served by CodinGame web plugin)


  1. Make sure before that you have python3 installed (at least version 3.5)
  2. Run pip install cgmerger
  3. (alternative for 2.) You can also install it by downloading the package from github and running pip install <folder where CGMerger is located>

Running the script

After installation, the script can be run by simply typing cgmerger command from the project folder that you use for CodinGame.

Example/Template project

Because the tool setup is not trivial, I've created a couple of sample projects that should help anyone out with starting with the project. Simply copy the example folder from those languages and you should be able to use the script:

Please - share your successful setup of the script by opening a PR to https://github.com/ajakubo1/CGmerger-examples/

How to use it automatically with IDE?

I use the script with PyCharm. I define a new file watcher that is using cgmerger command. It works perfectly for the python env.

How does it all work?

The script works in general as follows:

  1. It searches all of the files in folder specified by --workdir argument (by default, that folder is codingame)
  2. It takes all of the file names from that folder, filtered by --file-regex argument (by default .* - every file in workdir folder). It does not search folders in workdir folder.
  3. It copies the contents of all of the found files, excluding lines matched by --exclude-line-regex into single --output file in directory where the script runs (by default the file is named codingame.volatile.py)

The script does not create any folders and files on it's own. It checks if --output file exists and informs the user if it doesn't (same thing for --workdir). This is as intended - I do not want to mess with project file structure, I only touch files that actually exist.

Writing a config file

You can write your own config file for a project. In the beginning of the run, the script will search for cgmerger.conf file and reads the configuration from it. You can still override the values provided by that script by specifying arguments in command line.

Instead of writing your own cgmerger.conf, you can simply run the cgmerger --write command. This will create a cgmerger.conf from currently loaded (probably default) settings. Next time you run the script, you don't have to specify any arguments in the command line, settings from that file will be loaded.

For examples of config file, refer to https://github.com/ajakubo1/CGmerger-examples project (you will find there example settings for a C# and python)


If you want to know more about parameters, you can issue --help command. More explanations on each of the options:

For re-adjusting the script for different languages, you probably need to re-adjust those settings parameters:

  • output - the default is a .py file, you should change it to something more aligned with the language used
  • comment - this is the comment character (or characters) used in the language (e.g. # in python, // in C#). It is obligatory to set it unless project uses python. This value is used to create nice separators in output file.
  • exclude_line_regex (optional) - this is regex used when script starts to copy file contents line-by-line to exclude some of the unneeded lines. E.g. in .cs scripts lines starting with "using" should probably be excluded. This can be done by setting exclude_line_regex to ^using.
  • header (optional) - file located relatively to workdir folder that will be copied before any other file in the workdir. It is ignored by file_regex setting. The contents of this file are not filetered by exclude_line_regex setting.
  • footer (optional) - file located relatively to workdir that will be copied after any other file in the workdir (the last file added to output). It is ignored by file_regex setting.
  • order (optional) - List of files separated by comma, specified in order of which they should be copied to the output. Example: one.cs,two.cs,three.cs. output files will be added right after the header file (if it was specified). If any of the listed files are in header or footer - they will not be duplicated and its contents will be ignored (header file and footer file has higher priority than order). After all of the files from order are copied, the script will copy the rest of the files according to file_regex. order files themselves are not checked with file_regex.
  • file_regex (optional) - this is regex used to define which files from workdir should be copied to output file. By default, the command will copy the contents of all of the files in that folder. You can change it to target different file types (e.g. .*.cs files instead of .*.py files)
  • remove_parts_regex (optional) - this is regex used when script starts to copy file contents line-by-line to replace some of the unneeded strings. E.g. in .ts scripts lines starting with "export" should be reformatted in such a way that we remove that export part. This can be done by setting remove_parts_regex to ^export.