
100 Days Of SwiftUI Challenge by Paul Hudson

Primary LanguageSwift


This is my repo full of projects and challenges from the course, 100 Days Of SwiftUI Challenge by Paul Hudson.


Type Number Completion
Projects + Challenges 19 / 19 100%
Milestone Projects 6 / 6 100%
Challenge days 1 / 1 100%
Final Exam 1 / 1 100%

Open project to see detailed screenshots!

Projects / Topics
Project 1 - WeSplit
(with challenges)
Form, Section, NavigationView, @State property wrapper, TextField, Picker, ForEach
Challenge Day 1 - Converter
Project 2 - Guess the Flag
(with challenges)
VStack, Image, Alert
Project 3 - View and Modifiers
(with challenges)
Views, modifiers, composition, containers
Milestone Projects 1-3 - Rock Paper Scissors
Project 4 - BetterRest
(with challenges)
Machine Learning, Dates (DatePicker, DateComponents, DateFormatter) Stepper, navigationBarItems()
Project 5 - Word Scramble
(with challenges)
List, onAppear, Bundle, fatalError(), UITextChecker
Project 6 - Animations
(with challenges)
Animations and transitions
Milestone Projects 4-6 - Multiplication Tables
Project 7 - iExpense
(with challenges)
UserDefaults, Codable, sheet(), onDelete(), @ObservedObject
Project 8 - Moonshot
(with challenges)
GeometryReader, ScrollView, Navigation, Codable hierarchy, Generics
Project 9 - Drawing
(with challenges)
Paths, shapes, strokes, transforms, drawing groups, animating values, Core Animation, Metal
Milestone Projects 7-9 - Habit Tracker
Project 10 - Cupcakes Corner
(with challenges)
Codable, URLSession, disabled()
Project 11 - Bookworm
(with challenges)
Core Data, @Binding, Custom components
Project 12 - Core Data
(with challenges)
Core Data
Milestone Projects 10-12 - FriendFace
Project 13 - Instafilter
(with challenges)
UIKit integration, Core Image, Custom bindings, Action Sheets
Project 14 - Bucket List
(with challenges)
MapKit, Biometric authentication, Secure data writing, Comparable custom types, Documents directory
Project 15 - Accessibility
(with challenges)
Milestone Projects 13-15 - NewFriends
Project 16 - Flashzilla
(with challenges)
Gestures, haptics, Combine, timers, accessibility
Project 17 - Hot Prospects
(with challenges)
Custom environment objects, Tab Views, Result, objectWillChange, Image interpolation, Context menus, Local notifications, Swift package dependencies, filter(), map()
Project 18 - Layout and Geometry
(with challenges)
Layout, alignment, geometry, positioning
Milestone Projects 16-18 - Roll the Dice
Project 19 - SnowSeeker
(with challenges)
Split view layouts, optional alerts, flexible layouts with Group, ListFormatter