
Webcam Streamer for Octoprint MacOs

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Webcam Streamer for Octoprint

I made this script for streaming an usb webcam to mjpeg suitable for OctoPrint on a mac, but it will probably work on linux and windows too.

Tested on python 3.7


  • install homebrew from https://brew.sh/
  • from console run brew install python to get python 3.7
  • pip install virtualenv to install virtualenv
  • clone/download the repository on your drive
  • cd on the folder and run
virtualenv -p python3.7 .env
source .env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • run the script with python mjpegsw.pyor .env/bin/python mjpegsw.py

optional params: python mjpegsw.py --camera 1 --port 5001 --ipaddress

on octoprint you can use http://localhost:5001/cam.mjpg for stream url and http://localhost:5001/snap.jpg for snapshot url.

MacOs Yosemite:

you need to use opencv-python==

pip install -r requirements.yosemite.txt

OpenCv Segmentation fault

sometimes opencv crashes, for this you can use start.sh script that loops until you block it with CTRL-C