
Takes notes

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Takes notes and saves them using Express JS Framework

Description of App

This app's purpose is to provide the user with a clean interface to take accurate notes and save then to a json database

Technologies Used

  1. Express.js
  2. BootStrap


No installation is needed for this program

#User Story When the user open the app, they will be met with a clean welcome screen. When they click on the button to begin taking notes, the user will be provided text areas to record their note-title and note-content/text respectively. Once the user clicks the save button, their note will be saved to left-hand side of the screen to.


This program contains complex backend code using the routes from the express.js framework. The beginning screen and the notes screen are delivered to the client using specific routes that are defined by the url. When the user clicks to add notes, there are also POST request involved that handle the information passed to the database