A demonstration of how Trend Micro's "Cloud One: Application Security" solution can be used to protect serverless applications.
This demo uses a Lambda layer. Doing so enables Application Security to be used with numerous Lambdas with ease.
If you're creating the layer on your machine, please follow the "Linux/Mac/Windows" instructions. Alternatively, if you're using EC2, please follow the "EC2" instructions.
See this document for more information.
cd /tmp
mkdir -p app-sec-layer/python/lib/python3.7/
cd app-sec-layer
echo "trend-app-protect" >> requirements.txt
docker run \
-v "$PWD":/var/task \
"lambci/lambda:build-python3.7" \
/bin/sh -c "pip install -r requirements.txt -t python/lib/python3.7/site-packages/; exit"
zip -r trend.zip python > /dev/null
aws lambda publish-layer-version \
--layer-name app-protect \
--description "Trend Micro Application Security" \
--zip-file fileb://trend.zip \
--compatible-runtime "python3.7"
mkdir /tmp/python
cd /tmp/python
pip3 install --target=/tmp/python trend-app-protect
cd ..
zip -r trend.zip python
aws lambda publish-layer-version \
--layer-name app-protect \
--description "App Protect" \
--zip-file fileb://trend.zip \
--compatible-runtimes python3.7
Obtain the Layer ARN.
Create the CloudFormation stack:
aws cloudformation create-stack \ --stack-name ApplicationSecurityDemo \ --template-body file://cfn.yaml \ --parameters ParameterKey=ApplicationSecurityLayerArn,ParameterValue=<LAYER_ARN> \ --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
Obtain the app's URL:
aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name ApplicationSecurityDemo --query "Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey=='AppUrl'].OutputValue" --output text
Enter the following string into the form:
Among other things, the following values are shown:
These keys can be used by an attacker to access and control your AWS account. See the "Exploitation Demo" below for more information.
Log into Application Security.
Create a new "Group".
Set "Illegal File Access" to "Mitigate".
Obtain the
credentials. -
Use these credentials to set the Lambda's
API keys. -
Try exploiting the app again:
In this section of the documentation we'll cover how the aforementioned keys can be used for nefarious purposes.
For the purposes of this demo, let's pretend the Lambda required S3 bucket access.
Add the following policy to the Lambda's role:
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "VisualEditor0", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:GetObject", "s3:ListAllMyBuckets", "s3:ListBucket" ], "Resource": "*" } ] }
Note: The above policy gives the script read access to all buckets. If you'd like to specify a specific bucket ARN, please do so.
Take the "stolen" keys and set them as environment variables:
Optional: Specify where you want the downloaded objects to be stored on your system:
export BASE_DEST_DIR=<DIR_PATH> # defaults to /tmp/<bucket_name>
Navigate to the
directory. Execute theattack_script.py
script with the name of a bucket or theall
keyword.Note: Use caution when specifying the
keyword. It will cause the script to download all objects from all S3 buckets.
Executing the script with the super-secret-bucket-2812093901231
bucket name specified:
python3 attack_script.py super-secret-bucket-2812093901231
Checking if super-secret-bucket-2812093901231 exists...
Downloading: /tmp/super-secret-bucket-2812093901231/data/user-1-data.txt
Downloading: /tmp/super-secret-bucket-2812093901231/data/user-2-data.txt
Downloading: /tmp/super-secret-bucket-2812093901231/data/user-3-data.txt
Downloading: /tmp/super-secret-bucket-2812093901231/data/user-4-data.txt
Downloading: /tmp/super-secret-bucket-2812093901231/data/user-5-data.txt
Successfully downloaded 5 files
Executing the script with the all
keyword specified:
attack_script.py all
Found bucket: super-secret-bucket-2812093901231
Downloading: /tmp/super-secret-bucket-2812093901231/data/user-1-data.txt
Downloading: /tmp/super-secret-bucket-2812093901231/data/user-2-data.txt
Downloading: /tmp/super-secret-bucket-2812093901231/data/user-3-data.txt
Downloading: /tmp/super-secret-bucket-2812093901231/data/user-4-data.txt
Downloading: /tmp/super-secret-bucket-2812093901231/data/user-5-data.txt
Found bucket: trendcontainerdemo-cicd-artifact-vhjlbmrdb250ywluzxjezw1vlunjq0
Downloading: /tmp/trendcontainerdemo-cicd-artifact-vhjlbmrdb250ywluzxjezw1vlunjq0/Trend-Container-Imag/AppCode/P38kz5n
Downloading: /tmp/trendcontainerdemo-cicd-artifact-vhjlbmrdb250ywluzxjezw1vlunjq0/Trend-Container-Imag/AppCode/bLjODwJ
Successfully downloaded 7 files
- Blog: oznetnerd.com
- Email: will@oznetnerd.com