DawgTrades - Team 2 Manager - Allen doc: includes UML class diagrams db: includes the schema SQL file src: include the sources in the following packages edu/uga/dawgtrades/model — the interfaces of the Object Model module’s API edu/uga/dawgtrades/model/impl - the implementation of the object model layer edu/uga/dawgtrades/persistence - the interface of the Persitence module’s API edu/uga/dawgtrades/persistence/impl - the implementation of the Persistence module’s API classes the compiled Java class files included here Ant build file (build.xml) To install and use the dawgtrades system: 1. Copy entire dawgtrades directory to your system 2. Install Mysql database 3. Create team2 database using mysql CREATE DATABASE team2; 4. Create a database with user ‘team2’ and password ‘interface’ to accesss the db 5. Load the db schema into the db: mysql -u team2 -p team2 < db/4050.sql 6. compile the dawgtrades object model ant compile java - class path classes:/opt/classes/mysql-connector-java-5.1.26-bin.jar edu.uga.dawgtrades.test.ObjectModelWrite Other tests are ObjectModelRead , ObjectModelUpdate and ObjectModelDelete Tests use the JUnit framework and all methods have applicable tests associated with them.