
Testing MySQL 8 GTID Based Master-Slave Replication

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Testing MySQL 8 GTID Based Replication

The docker-compose configuration will create 2 containers of MySQL 8 server. They are configured properly for testing MySQL 8 GTID based Master-Slave replication.

Following the steps listed below, you can configure and experience replication feature in 5 minutes!

MySQL GTID Master-Slave Replication

⚠️ Assumptions:

  • Assuming you have both Docker Engine and Docker Compose installed and configured.
  • Assuming you have a basic understanding of Docker and MySQL.

Step 1: Start the containers

Clone the repo, enter into directory, and start the containers.

git clone git@github.com:ajaxray/mysql8-replication.git
cd mysql8-replication
docker-compose up --build -d

Step 2: Create a user for replication

Log into the master databases

docker-compose exec master_db mysql -uroot -proot

And create a user with replication permission

CREATE USER 'replication_user'@'192.168.%' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY '123123';
GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE ON *.* TO 'replication_user'@'192.168.%';

Step 3: Start replication from the slave

Log into the slave databases (from a different shell window)

docker-compose exec slave_db mysql -uroot -proot

Then, configure the source and start replication.


Step 4: Verify

Add some database, tables, records in the master_db and check if it's available in the slave_db. You may use sandbox database and test_table table that was prepared automatically at the time of starting the containers. For example -

USE sandbox;
INSERT INTO test_table VALUES(1, 'name', 'ajaxray');
SELECT * FROM test_table;

And then, try selecting the record from the slave_db. (Don't insert from slave!)

If you don't see the changes are replicating as expected, run the following SQL command in slave_db.


And, check the following information for any potential error:

  • Last_IO_Errno
  • Last_IO_Error
  • Last_SQL_Errno
  • Last_SQL_Error

Step 5: Cleanup

Exit from both of the containers using exit.
Then execute the cleanup.sh to stop the containers and remove all data and log files.

chmod +x ./cleanup.sh && ./cleanup.sh

This cleanup script will remove all the data and log files along with the containers. If you want to keep current data and just to stop the containers, you can just use

docker-compose down

Contribution guide

Feel free to submit an issue if you face any error. Suggestions/PRs are most welcome! 🤗

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