
A curated list of deep learning tutorials, projects and other resources

Top DeepLearning tutorials and curated projects


Neural Networks

Convolution Neural Network (CNN)

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)

General Advisorial Networks (GAN)


Deeplearning.ai -Andrew NG Fast.ai -Jeremy Howard NPTEL(DL) -Mitesh M. Khapra
  • Neural Networks and Deep Learning
  • Improving Deep Neural Networks
  • Structured Machine Learning Projects
  • Convolutional Neural Networks
  • Sequence Models
  • CNN's, RNN's
  • Image Recognition, Object Detection
  • NLP Classification, Embedding
  • Sequence Models, Neural translation
  • Darknet, Cycle GAN
  • Segmentation with UNets
  • MLP's, FeedForward Network
  • Backpropagation, Gradient Descent
  • PCA, Singular Value Decomposition
  • Regularization, Dataset augmentation
  • Auto encoders, CNN's, RNN's
  • Encoder Decoder Models, Attention Mechanism


Name Language Link
TensorFlow Python tensorflow.org
PyTorch Python pytorch.org
Keras (higher-level API) Python keras.io
TFLearn (higher-level API) Python tflearn.org
TensorFlow.js Java Script js.tensorflow.org
Deeplearning4j Java deeplearning4j.org

Curated DeepLearning Projects

Type Title Code Resources CheatSheet
Game Self Play AlphaZero (Self Learning board games) Code Article Alpha Zero
Hybrid NLP Semantic Code Search (Searching for code in Natural Language) Code Article Semantic Code Search
NLP Attention is all we need (Language Translation) Code Walk through, Explanation
Image+Text Processing Pix2Code (Generating UI code from screenshot/handdrawn image) Code Paper and its Code Pix2Code
Image Processing Deep Steganography (Hidding an image in another image) Code Paper, Blog Deep Steganography
Image+Audio processing Music2Dance: Generating Dance steps for a given music Code Results Music2Dance
NLP Spell Checker using word embedding Code Article
NLP Learn to Write Programs (Generating code using sample Input/Output's) Code Paper
NLP URLNet (Malicious URL Detection) Code Paper
Image Processing UNet based nucleus detection Code Paper
NLP Named Entity Recognition (Tagging every word in a sentence) Code Article
Question Answering QA-Net(CNN+Attention based QA Model) Code Article, QA-Net explained
Question Answering QA Using Sentence Embedding Code Article
Question Answering R-Net (RNN+Attention based QA Model) Code Explaining R-Net, Article
NLP Text Summerization (summarize text and generate features from Github Issues) Code Article
Code fix DeepFix: Fixing Common C Language Errors by Deep Learning Code Paper, Paper2
Time series Playing trading games with deep reinforcement learning Code Paper
NLP InferSent - Sentence Embedding with importance of each word Code Paper
NLP Squash - Generating Question-Answer Hierarchies Code Paper

Useful links:

Description Link
Machine Learning Algorithms: Which One to Choose for Your Problem Blog
How to solve 90% of NLP problems: a step-by-step guide Blog
Minimal and clean examples of reinforcement learning algorithms Code
Applied Machine Learning -by Aaqib Saeed Blog
Neural Models for Information Retrieval Talk
A brief and great explanation of World Models Blog
Artificial Intelligence and Games Book
MolGAN (An implicit generative model for small molecular graphs) - A nice example of GAN + RL Paper
Attention to characters in Neural Sequence Models Blog
Capsule Networks Explained Blog
AlphaGo Documentary Movie
A Tensorflow JS example demonstrating transfer learning Code
Ask me Anything (Dynamic Memory Network for basic Question Answering task) Paper
OneShot Concept Learning Through conversation interaction Paper
Understanding feature engineering Blog
The Illustrated BERT, ELMo, and co. (How NLP Cracked Transfer Learning) Blog
Transformers from scratch Blog
A distilled version of BERT Blog