
A Command-Line Utility for Managing Incidents on PagerDuty

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PagerCuty - A Command-Line Utility for Managing Incidents in PagerDuty 📟

PagerCuty is a versatile command-line tool built on Python that simplifies incident management on PagerDuty. With PagerCuty, you can perform various actions, from checking PagerDuty's status to creating and managing incidents, all from the command line. This README.md file will guide you through the prerequisites, installation, configuration, and usage of PagerCuty, making your incident management process efficient and hassle-free. 🚀

Table of Contents

Getting Started


Welcome to PagerCuty ✨ Before getting started, please review the following prerequisites to ensure a smooth experience with the tool.


PagerCuty can be fully utilized on Linux and MacOS machines. On Windows, while most functionalities work seamlessly, there may be limitations for tasks involving multiline string descriptions. Efforts are being made to enhance OS independence in future updates. If Windows is your preferred choice, the complete potential of PagerCuty can be harnessed through WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux).

Prerequisites for Linux and MacOS Users

For a hassle-free experience with PagerCuty on Linux or MacOS, you'll need the following:

  1. Text Editor: Ensure that you have the versatile Vi or Vim editor installed. You can install it using your package manager or download it from vim.org. 🔍

  2. Python Version: A minimum of Python 3.11.x or a higher version is required for error-free functionality. You can download Python from python.org. 🐍

That's all you need! The remaining dependencies will be automatically installed as Python packages, conveniently listed in the requirements.txt file.

PagerCuty is designed with your needs in mind, and I'm excited to have you on board for this journey 😊🚀


To begin using PagerCuty, follow these simple installation steps:

  1. Clone the PagerCuty repository to your local machine.

    git clone https://github.com/ajayagrawalgit/PagerCuty.git
  2. Change your working directory to the PagerCuty folder.

    cd pagercuty
  3. Install the required dependencies using pip.

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Make the pagercuty.py file executable.

    chmod +x pagercuty.py

Now you're ready to configure PagerCuty and start managing your PagerDuty incidents.


Before using PagerCuty, you need to configure it with your PagerDuty account details. Open the config.yaml file and find the following lines:

  api_token:	# Create this from the pagerduty website
  service_id:	# Service IDs which you want to see and manage incidents for (You can find it using this tool itself if you don't know yet)
  email:	# Your Registered E-mail ID with PagerDuty
  script_name: pagercuty
  time_interval: 30	# This is the time interval at which the auto acknowledge function works. The unit is in seconds. (Default is set to 30 seconds)
  company_pd_url:	# Here, you have to put the the url which your comapny uses to login to pagerduty. Example: https://ajayagrawal.pagerduty.com/sign_in/
  company_domain:	# Here, you have to put the the url which your comapny uses to login to pagerduty. Example: https://ajayagrawal.pagerduty.com (Make sure there's no '/' at the end here)


PagerCuty provides various commands to interact with PagerDuty. Here's how you can use each command:

Get the Help Menu

Use --help or -h to get the help menu which will be somewhat like below:

ajayagrawal@hack_the_box:~/pagercuty $ python3 pagercuty.py -h
usage: pagercuty.py [-h] [--check_pd_status] [--create_an_incident] [-list {all,user}] [-ack {all,user,id}] [-ackloop {all,user}] [--resolve {all,user,id,like}] [--add_note] [-get_service_ids] [-get_schedule_ids]

PagerCuty - A Command-Line Utility for PagerDuty.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --check_pd_status, -pds
                        Checks the Status of PagerDuty from both, Manual hit to Company's URL and from the Official PagerDuty Status Page
  --create_an_incident, -crin
                        Lets you Create a PagerDuty Incident
  -list {all,user}      all - Lists all Non-Resolved Incidents on PagerDuty, user - Lists all Incidents on PagerDuty assigned to the Ajay Agrawal
  -ack {all,user,id}    all - Acknowledges all [Triggered] Incidents on PagerDuty, user - Acknowledges all [Triggered] Incidents on PagerDuty assigned to the Ajay Agrawal, id - Acknowledges a Specific Incident from Pagerduty (List will be
  -ackloop {all,user}   all - Acknowledges all [Triggered] Incidents on PagerDuty every 30 seconds, user - Acknowledges all [Triggered] Incidents on PagerDuty assigned to Ajay Agrawal every 30 seconds
  --resolve {all,user,id,like}, -res {all,user,id,like}
                        all - Resolves all Incidents from PagerDuty, user - Resolves all Incidents from PagerDuty assigned to Ajay Agrawal, id - Resolves a Specific Incident from Pagerduty (List will be Provided), like - Resolves all the
                        Incidents from Pagerduty containing a certain keyword
  --add_note, -an       Use this to add note to an Incident (List will be Provided)
  -get_service_ids      This lists all the Service IDs and their Names
  -get_schedule_ids     This lists all the Schedule IDs and their Names

Of course, the username which you can see above i.e. Ajay Agrawal will be different in your case. You'll get the name which is registered with the e-mail id provided in config.yaml Also, here you can see that you'll have some short-hand commands as well for some functionalities to save some of your key-strokes 😉

Check PagerDuty Status

Use this command to check the status of PagerDuty. It can retrieve status from both the company's URL and the official PagerDuty Status Page

python3 pagercuty.py --check_pd_status
python3 pagercuty.py --pds

Create an Incident

You can use this command to create a PagerDuty incident.

python3 pagercuty.py --create_an_incident
python3 pagercuty.py --crin

List Incidents

List all non-resolved incidents on PagerDuty or filter by the user.

python3 pagercuty.py -list all
python3 pagercuty.py -list user

Acknowledge Incidents

Acknowledge incidents on PagerDuty. You can acknowledge all triggered incidents, all assigned to a specific user, or a specific incident by ID.

python3 pagercuty.py -ack all
python3 pagercuty.py -ack user
.python3 pagercuty.py -ack id

Acknowledge Incidents in a Loop

Acknowledge triggered incidents in a loop, either all or those assigned to a specific user.

python3 pagercuty.py -ackloop all
python3 pagercuty.py -ackloop user

Resolve Incidents

Resolve incidents on PagerDuty. You can resolve all incidents, those assigned to a specific user, a specific incident by ID, or those containing a keyword.

python3 pagercuty.py --resolve all
python3 pagercuty.py -res all
python3 pagercuty.py --resolve user
python3 pagercuty.py --res user
python3 pagercuty.py --resolve id
python3 pagercuty.py -res id
python3 pagercuty.py --resolve like
python3 pagercuty.py -res like

Add Note to Incident

Use this command to add a note to a specific incident.

python3 pagercuty.py --add_note
python3 pagercuty.py -an

List Service and Schedule IDs

List all the Service and schedule IDs along with their names.

python3 pagercuty.py -get_service_ids
python3 pagercuty.py -get_schedule_ids


Contributions to PagerCuty are welcome! If you have ideas for improvements, bug fixes, or new features, please submit an issue or create a pull request.


PagerCuty is released under the MIT License. Feel free to use, modify, and distribute it as needed.

Happy incident management with PagerCuty! 🎉

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