An general aptitude question solver made using python.
The db folder contains the database. To add your own formulas, first create a text file, eg. percentage.txt. To add formulas and the problem definition, use the following style (without quotes).
"X percent of Y : ( X / 100 ) * Y"
The LHS part before the colon, is the problem definition. X and Y are variables. The RHS part contains the formula. Now update x.txt file so that this formula can be referenced. Use the following style (without quotes).
"percentage.txt % of `" "percentage.txt percent of `"
The first word determines the location and remaining words except " ` " are keywords.
Run file. A GUI will open. There is a text box where you can enter your problems. Example
"10 percent of 100"
You can provide options in 1,2,3,4 box. Press calculate to calculate result. You can also check value of some constants like value of pi.
"pi ="
If you haven't provided any choice then the program will select choice 1.
Currently, keywords based searching is performed. In future, an AI engine will be attached that will substitute over keyword based searching.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License.