
There is a script for scraping yellowpages.com website for name, contact, address and link

Primary LanguagePython

Through this script you will be able to scrape Name, Contact, Address and Link to the yellowpages page.

When the script starts, it will ask for 5 inputs:

Looking for : [Enter what you are looking for, like : doctors, dermatologist, bike repair, insurance, lawyer, accountant etc.]
City : [City you want data for]
State : [Please enter only in abbreviation like TX or ME or CA etc.]
No of pages to scrape : [Per page includes approx 30 records so if you enter 3 you will get around 90 records]
Data Format : [Enter 1 for csv, 2 for xlsx, 3 for pdf]

Note: CSV format is recommended.
Note: If you get less records, that means that more records aren't available on the site.

Install these libraries:

1. Pandas : pip install pandas OR 
            conda install pandas

2. Pdfkit : pip install pdfkit OR
            conda install -c conda-forge python-pdfkit

3. BeautifulSoup : pip install bs4 OR
                   conda install -c conda-forge bs4

4. Requests : python -m pip install requests OR
              conda install -c anaconda requests

Note: If you want your output in a pdf file, you will have to install an additional library called 'wkhtmltopdf',
      if not, then there is no need to install it.

Run the script and enjoy. Thankyou.

Yellow_pages_2.0.py :

This is an updated version of 'yellowpages.py'.
1. Scrapes emails and websites
2. Shows status of pages scraped and listings scraped in those pages.
3. Doesn't skip a page if a listing has missing info. (Only skips the listing)

These updates involves reading one webpage per listing which makes it slower then previous version. 
So if you don't need these 2 , I recommend using the previous version.
