Problem Statement:
Nowadays, there is a great need of an information portal by means of which , one can get acquainted with the information about the educational institutions in the most simplified manner. As we are all aware that there is an availability of an extremely huge amount of information that one can access over the Internet. But, a more concise and efficient methodology would be significantly efficient to analyze.
Solution Description:
Ours is a model which provides the user to easily and efficiently be aware about the universities across the country that are quite well organized in terms of the location and the whereabouts of those universities. But,the crux of the model lies in the source of collective information that is the Data API provided by the The Indian Government as part of the Digital India Open Data Scheme. Therefore,the user gets the most authentic information from a credible source which would result into transparency and an unbiased outlook which would help the user to make an appropriate decision be it for the user itself or for friends or family. So,The Data that the government has provided makes the most out of it.
To implement the above proposed model, We present an Android Application which fetches the dataset from the above mentioned API and extracts significant content out of it. Also, A Web Application Developed Using the LAMP stack is in the works.
Algorithms, methodology, databases, tools and platforms used for development, demonstration and deployment:
Cloud Hosting Provider: Digital ocean.
IDE/Tools: Android Studio(for Android Development)
Xammp(LAMP Stack)(for Web Development)
UI Languages: XML(Android Layout),HTML,CSS (Web layout)
Programming Languages: Java(for Android Development),PHP(Web development)
Database : Sq-lite(Android),Mysql(Phpmyadmin)(web Development)
Version Control: Git (Git hub)
Design Tools:Sketch Application.
Misc. Technologies : JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
API Endpoint: