
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Simple posts MERN STACK app

Setup for backend

Download the project or clone the repository from this repo https://github.com/bpeddapudi/MERN-simple-post.git

  • Once donwloaded go to the project folder add the projec to VS code.
  • Open your project in terminal
  • Go to backend folder cd backend
  • Before starting the project do npm install
  • once all the dependencies are intalled do npm run devStart

Setup for frontend

  • Open your project in terminal
  • Go to frontend folder cd frontend
  • Before starting the project do npm install
  • once all the dependencies are intalled do npm start

Goal of the worksheet.

  1. In your react app once you enter some text in post area and then clicked on post. New post data has to be sent to NodeJS via POST API and data has to be saved on MongoDB atlas
  2. Once new post is created successfully in database, new post should be shown below.
  3. All the posts should be shown under 'Enter your post' text area. All the posts should be in dark gray background as provided in the example.
  4. New posts should always show up in the top.
  5. Evey post should show date posted. This data is automatically generated in MongoDB. You guys need to format it and display it. Google for examples on how to work with Data strings in Javascript.
  6. When Delete button is clicked on any post. Respective post has to be deleted from Database via DELETE API. As soon the delete operation is successful React app should be updated.