
Collection of models for reactor physics benchmarks

Primary LanguagePython

Reactor Physics Benchmark Models

This repository contains a collection of benchmark models for the OpenMC and other Monte Carlo particle transport codes. The following benchmark models are currently available:

Problems from the International Handbook of Evaluated Criticality Safety Benchmark Experiments.
Simple pin-cell model to test S(a,b) treatment in Monte Carlo codes. See INDC(USA)-107.
The Monte Carlo Performance Benchmark originally proposed by J. Eduard Hoogenboom and William Martin.
A BOL model of a Optimized Power Reactor 1000 (OPR1000) from South Korea. See Lee M.J. et al., "Monte Carlo Reactor Calculation with Substantially Reduced Number of Cycles", Proceedings of PHYSOR 2012, Knoxville, TN (2012).
The OECD/NEA Source Convergence Benchmarks which include a checkboard storage of assemblies, a pincell array with irradiated fuel, three thick one-dimensional slabs, and an array of interacting spheres.