[offset]="[top, right, bottom, left]" or "[top/bottom, left/right]" or "[top/bottom/left/right]"
[viewPortOffset]="[top, right, bottom, left]" or "[top/bottom, left/right]" or "[top/bottom/left/right]"
[throttle]="[Number in ms to limit the inview event]"
[scrollELement]="parent element reference on which scrolling applied"
[trigger]="An Observable ex. BehaviorSubject"
InviewContainer and InviewItem Directive
Basic Usages
<divin-view-container(inview)="inview($event)"><divin-view-item*ngFor="let item of items; let i = index;" [id]="index" [data]="item">
Advanced Usages
[offset]="[top, right, bottom, left]" or "[top/bottom, left/right]" or "[top/bottom/left/right]"
[viewPortOffset]="[top, right, bottom, left]" or "[top/bottom, left/right]" or "[top/bottom/left/right]"
[throttle]="[Number in ms to limit the inview event]"
[bestMatch]="when true, inview will return only one element closet to viewport center"
[trigger]="An Observable ex. BehaviorSubject"
><divin-view-item*ngFor="let item of items; let i = index;" [id]="index" [data]="item">
InView Props
(inview): inview event, it will keep to emitting the event on scroll.
[offset]: offset value can be provided as [top, right, bottom, left] or [top/bottom, left/right] or [top/bottom/left/right]
[viewPortOffset] : offset value from an element or window port.
[trigger]: An Observable ex. BehaviorSubject can be passed to trigger (inview) event.
[scrollELement]: element to check if the content is available in view port with in the element 's view port. default value is window.
[data]: data property can be used to identify the in-view event source, when you have multiple in-view directives in a page attached to same in-view handler.
[lazy]: default false, set true when you want in-view event to trigger only on visibility of that content. will not trigger when content goes out of view port.
[tooLazy]: default false, set true when you want in-view event to trigger only when visibility state changes.
[triggerOnInit]: default false, set true when you want in-view event to get triggered on element load otherwise it will trigger only on scroll event.
InViewContainer Props
(inview): inview event, it will keep to emitting the event on scroll.
[offset]: offset value can be provided as [top, right, bottom, left] or [top/bottom, left/right] or [top/bottom/left/right]
[viewPortOffset] : offset value from an element or window port.
[scrollWindow]: default true uses window scroll to check inview status, set false to check from container's scroll.
[bestMatch] : will return only the centered element from other element. Please check example.
[triggerOnInit]: default false, set true when you want in-view event to get triggered on element load otherwise it will trigger only on scroll event.