
Summarizes scouting data into understandable words. Built with Electron + a server-side version.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Summarizes scouting data into understandable words.

Has an electron app local version and a server-based remote version.

The server-based version supports file uploading, photo uploading and https. They both run off the same codebase, meaning updates will work on both versions.

Try It Live!

There is a version currently available on https://scout.ajay.app. To view it in action, check out https://scout.ajay.app/#188, which will show data for team 188. This has data for teams in the Archimedes field at Detroit 2019 Worlds.



Put scouting data in a folder called data (in the root directory of the program).

Put robot images in a folder called photos (labeled as [robot number].JPG).

Scouting data is generated with https://github.com/LakeEffectRobotics/LakeEffectScoutingApp.

Run from source

Install the dependencies with npm install

Run the electron app with npm start

If you want to run the server based version, use node server Then access the page at http://localhost:8080 It also supports https, the certificates can be placed into the certificates folder as certificate.crt and private.key. The password for the data upload page should be stored in the certificates folder in a file called password.txt.

Build Electron app from source

Install the dependencies with npm install

Build a Windows x86 32-bit binary with npx electron-packager Reader --platform win32 --arch=ia32.

Build all binaries with npx electron-packager Reader --all