- 0xsamgreenCambrian Network
- abhshkdzFAIR, Meta AI
- agermanidis@runwayml
- aicaffeinelifeUniversity of Delaware
- amlankarNVIDIA, University of Toronto
- bartosz-antosikWarsaw [PL]
- cultureulteriorNowhere
- davidjhyatt
- diegovalenzuelaiturra@TeselaGen
- dukebwHamilton, Ontario, Canada
- durandtiboBorealis AI
- ericpollen
- faroitAudioshake
- fatihbaltaci@getanteon
- jfzhang95National University of Singapore
- Kaixhin@arayabrain
- lzhbrianXiaomi <- PKU <- THU
- mehdidcJuelich Supercomputing Center (JSC), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, LAION
- micahstubbsSilicon Valley
- michalwolsNew York
- moskomuleRIKEN AIP
- pclucas14Montreal, QC
- petulla
- pmuensGermany / USA
- pseudoBit
- RahulBhalleyFreelancer
- rakshithShettyMax Planck Institute of Informatics
- RonDen北京
- rsumbaly@Facebook
- ruotianluoWaymo
- soumithMeta
- TDeVries
- thomwolf@huggingface
- tonioGZ
- wxmerktUniversity of Oxford
- yunjeyNAVER AI Lab