
Emacs editing mode for Nginx config files

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

nginx-mode.el --- major mode for editing nginx config files

Copyright 2010 Andrew J Cosgriff andrew@cosgriff.name

available from http://github.com/ajc/nginx-mode


Licensed under the GPL version 2 or later.


This is a quick mode for editing Nginx config files, as I didn't find anything else around that did quite this much.

Many thanks to the authors of puppet-mode.el, from where I found a useful indentation function that I've modified to suit this situation.

Put this file into your load-path and the following into your ~/.emacs:

  (require 'nginx-mode)

Now that nginx-mode is available via NonGNU ELPA, you could also:

(use-package nginx-mode
 :commands nginx-mode)

The mode automatically activates for:

  1. Files, called nginx.conf
  2. Files ending in .conf under nginx directory

If you want sites-enabled dir, add this to ~/.emacs (not done by default, because can be shadowed by apache-mode):

(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("/nginx/sites-\\(?:available\\|enabled\\)/" . nginx-mode))