
A repository to utilize the OLED on the Nullbits Nibble board for real-time stock data, weather data, and PC component monitoring.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A repository to utilize the OLED on the Nullbits Nibble board for real-time stock data, weather data, and PC component monitoring. Based on BlankSourceCode's qmk-hid-display.


This project utilizes QMK's raw hid methods to send and receive data between a host PC and a keyboard. The host PC runs a Node.js script which reaches out through various API's to gather data. The data is then encoded into a sequence of bytes, then sent to the keyboard where it is decoded. Right now, there are implementations to display stock data, weather data, and performance data on the OLED. See below on how to configure each type.


After cloning this repo, run npm install . and wait for all required packages to finish installing. You should also clone my fork of the Nibble library to get the OLED functionality working keyboard-side. You can see an example of how to implement this on my keymap.


There are just a few steps to get this feature working on your Nibble. First, choose a key to toggle between screens, and call the update_oled() method when this key is pressed. Example here. Make sure to change the following lines to reflect the data you plan on displaying.

// Define which oled screens you want to see
#define show_stocks false
#define show_weather true
#define show_performance true

// Define which oled screen to start on
// 1: stocks   2: weather   3: performance
int volatile current_screen = 2;

Next, set up your config file according to the table below.

Parameter Default value Description
productId 24672 Nibble product ID
vendorId 28257 Nibble vendor ID
usage 97 Nibble usage
usagePage 65376 Nibble usage page
showStocks false Should we load the stocks page?
tableName 'Stocks' If showing stocks, provide the AWS table name
region 'us-east-1' If showing stocks, provide the AWS region
profile 'default' If showing stocks, provide the AWS profile
showWeather true Should we load the weather?
weatherApiKey null If showing weather, provide an API key for OpenWeatherMap
zipCode 60005 If showing weather, provide a zip code
showPerformance true Should we show system performance?
storageDrive 'C:' If showing performance, provide a storage drive letter

Finally, if you choose to use stock data, you will need to configure your own AWS DynamoDB table and Lambda function to pull and record stock data. If you're up to the challenge, feel free to reach out to me and I can provide a Lambda file that scrapes the stock data and puts it into a table. Lastly, follow the steps here to set your credentials on your windows machine. This has not been tested on Linux or Mac.

Stock Data

Stock screen Unfortuately, real time stock data is not free to obtain or store, so this part of the project requires a bit more effort to implement. As a workaround, I created a Python script to run every 5 minutes on AWS Lambda which scrapes Yahoo Finance for real-time stock data on specfic companies. This data is then sent to a DynamoDB table for storage. When the main Keyboard.js script is running, it queries the DynamoDB table for stock information. The keys in the DynamoDB table are: Ticker, Timestamp, and MarketPrice.

Once the data is sorted, some key metrics are sent to the keyboard. We start by sending the stock's current price, as well as percent change from beginning of the trading day. We also send the name of the stock. Lastly, we send a list of (x, y) coordinates which represent the graph of the stock's market price throughout the day. This information is decoded on the keyboard, and the relevant information is drawn.

Weather Data

Weather screen Weather data is obtained from OpenWeatherMap. To use this feature, you must request an API key here. Once you have your API key, copy it into config.js. This is also where you will set your zip code for the weather data.

Performance Data

Performance screen Currently, the performance data module will monitor four aspects of your PC: current volume, CPU utilization, RAM utilization, and disk space utilization on the C: drive, or another drive of your choice.