
Boot tasks for fetching google protobuf protoc binary and compiling proto file

Primary LanguageClojure


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Boot tasks for fetching google protobuf protoc binary and compiling proto file.


 '[[com.google.protobuf/protobuf-java "3.0.2"] ;; needed to compile *.java
   [boot-protobuf "0.3.0" :scope "test"]])

(require '[boot-protobuf.core :refer [compile-protobuf-java]])

compile-protobuf-java task do following jobs.

  1. Fetch google protobuf protoc(protobuf compiler) binary files.
  2. Caching protoc binary file for next trampoline.
  3. Execute protoc for compiling `*.proto` file to java.
  4. `add-resource` above generated java source file.
 (compile-protobuf-java :proto "message.proto")
 (javac :options ["-Xlint:none"])
 (sift :include #{#".*/.*.java$"} :invert true) ; optional



Deprecated boot-protobuf single segment ns, use boot-protobuf.core instead.