
Python NUS script

Primary LanguagePython


Python NUS script

This is still a massive work-in-progress.

Originally written by OnionKnight, then forked by ajd4096.

Any messy bits are his, any broken bits are mine. :)


Python 3

No, it won't work with Python 2. Python 3 was released in 2008, it is time to move on.


This isn't installed by default. Without this, the crypto takes forever.


This isn't installed by default, and isn't in most distro's package lists. You will probably have to use pip.


Probably installed when you installed Python 3.


Centos 6

The easiest way to install Python 3 is from the ius repo at http://ius.io

sudo yum install https://centos6.iuscommunity.org/ius-release.rpm
sudo yum install python35u python35u-setuptools python35u-tkinter
sudo ln -sf python3.5 /usr/bin/python3

Install direct dependencies (You only need sqlite if you want to use the database files in external scripts.)

sudo yum install sqlite

Install build dependencies

sudo yum install python35u-devel gmp-devel

Install nuspy using:

sudo python3.5 setup.py install

For the lazy:

Download and extract TITLEID ready for loadiine:

nuspy -e --ekey=KEY TITLEID

Download and package UPDATEID ready for WUP installer:

nuspy -w UPDATEID


This now stashes info in a few sqlite3 DBs.

  • I make zero promises to keep it the same across updates.
  • If I remember, I might check in a new one.
  • If it doesn't work, remove the .db files and build your own.