
Distributed tools, aka dtools is a project written in bash coding to create a suite of programs to allow running different UNIX commands in parallel in a list of tagged hosts. This utility is based on capistrano for Ruby or fabric for Python, but in pure bash.

Primary LanguageShell

Distributed tools, aka dtools is a project written in bash coding to
create a suite of programs to allow running different UNIX commands
in parallel in a list of tagged hosts. This utility is based on
capistrano for Ruby or fabric for Python, but in pure bash.


* Fully written in bash, no third party software required
  (except ssh, obviously).
* Based in module architecture, easy to extend.
* Full integration with ssh.
* Easy to group hosts by tags or search by regular expression.
* Parseable output, but human-readable
* Thinking in system admin, no special development skills
  required to extend the software.

Short Example

    $ dt tag:linux ssh date
    okay::dt:ssh:myhostlinux1.domain:Mon Nov 16 23:54:04 CET 2009
    okay::dt:ssh:myhostlinux3.domain:Mon Nov 16 23:54:04 CET 2009
    okay::dt:ssh:myhostlinux2.domain:Mon Nov 16 23:54:04 CET 2009

Create own commands

Usually the sysadmin works involves large and hard  maintenance tasks, more
of them can be easily automated by a single script, to work this taks, dt
includes since version 3.1 the command *script*. So lets suppose that you
have an script that create a number of users, for example. Then you can

    $ dt tag:linux script create_users.sh
    okay::dt:ssh:myhostlinux1.domain:created users joe, eve, bob
    okay::dt:ssh:myhostlinux2.domain:created users joe, eve, bob
    okay::dt:ssh:myhostlinux3.domain:created users joe, eve, bob

However not always is too easy. for example in some situations you need to
copy files and performs any other actions. In this case you can create your
own commands, just creating a bash file in $HOME/.dtools/commands directory,
(or also $HOME/.dtools/patterns for patterns), for example in contrib/
directory you can found a single deploy command.