Whistler Bot is an XMPP bot written in python using SleekXMPP, which is a requirement. The bot is designed to handle some commands, and it is easy to extend.
Simple usage:
$ whistler myconfig.conf
Create bot programmatically:
from whistler.bot import WhistlerBot
bot = WhistlerBot( "myjid@myserver.com", "mypassword" )
You can extend the bot functionalities, just see for example the code of the
whistler console script. In short you can add commands creating a new class
from WhistlerBot, and define new functions in the form cmd_<command>
plus the
command name, for example, to handle the command ping.
from whistler.bot import WhistlerBot
class MyBot(WhistlerBot):
def cmd_ping(self, msg, args):
return "pong"
Whistler allows to send private commands in usual jabber (and of course GTalk and Google Hangouts) chat.
Also public commands are available, prefixed them with "!" (exclamation mark), as also reply to a direct mention in the form "whistler:" or "whistler,", where "whistler" is the nickname of the bot in the MUC:
(Me) whistler: uptime (whistler) 17:33:01 up 2 days, ...
Currently Whistler support a number of features, including tweet from command, shorting url action and so on...
You can see the mixins directory to see a number of examples for whistler and how easy is to extend.
Any new mixin or functionality is welcome to Whistler. If you has been developed new one or want new feature, please send me a message or a pull request.