
LTM (Linux Task Manager) is an open-source project hosted on GitHub that provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for monitoring and managing various aspects of a Linux system. It offers a convenient way to view and control processes, monitor system performance, manage startup applications, access user information, and handle services.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Linux Task Manager (LTM) Version 1.0

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LTM (Linux Task Manager) is an open-source project that provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for monitoring and managing various aspects of a Linux system. It offers a convenient way to view and control processes, monitor system performance, manage startup applications, access user information, and handle services.

Key Features

  • Process Management: View and manage running processes, terminate or prioritize processes
  • System Performance Monitoring: Real-time CPU, memory, disk, and network usage metrics.
  • Application History: Track launched applications and their execution history.
  • Startup Applications: Only Display the applications to launch at system startup.
  • User Management: Monitor active users, login times, and associated processes.
  • Service Control: Display the system services in real time.

Key Features are still under development

  • Update Checking: Check for updates and download the latest version of the application.
  • Service Control: Start, stop, and restart system services.
  • Startup Applications: Configure applications to launch at system startup.
  • System Performance Monitoring: Make it more advance.
  • About us: Make it more professional.
  • Fix the refresh problem by making the refresh from the Main.java to all the files by removing the refresh by each file on itself.

Launch the application

java -jar LTM.jar

Things we used to develop the app:

  • Eclipse IDE for Java Developers Version: 2022-09 (4.25.0)
  • JavaSE-1.8
  • Shell script

Systems are tested on:

  • Debian.
  • Kali Linux.

Project Directory/Structure/Tree


└── LTM.jar
└── README.md
├── bin
│    └── jfreechart.jar
│    ├── ltm
│    │    └── AppHistoryPanel$1.class
│    │    └── AppHistoryPanel$AppLaunchInfo.class
│    │    └── AppHistoryPanel.class
│    │    └── DetailsPanel.class
│    │    └── Main.class
│    │    └── PerformancePanel.class
│    │    └── ProcessesPanel$1.class
│    │    └── ProcessesPanel$2.class
│    │    └── ProcessesPanel.class
│    │    └── ServicesPanel.class
│    │    └── StartupPanel$1.class
│    │    └── StartupPanel$2.class
│    │    └── StartupPanel$3.class
│    │    └── StartupPanel$4.class
│    │    └── StartupPanel$5.class
│    │    └── StartupPanel$6.class
│    │    └── StartupPanel.class
│    │    └── UsersPanel.class
│    │    ├── scripts
│    │    │    └── app_history.sh
│    │    │    └── details.sh
│    │    │    └── list_running_processes.sh
│    │    │    └── performance_data.sh
│    │    │    └── services_data.sh
│    │    │    └── set_execute_permission.sh
│    │    │    └── startup_data.sh
│    │    │    └── system_details.sh
│    │    │    └── user_data.sh
├── screenshots
│    └── ApplicationHistory.jpg
│    └── PCdetials.jpg
│    └── Process.jpg
│    └── ServiceControl.jpg
│    └── StartupApplications.jpg
│    └── SystemPerformanceMonitoring.jpg
│    └── UserManagement.jpg
│    └── ltmlogo.jpg
│    └── ltmlogo_50.jpg
├── src
│    └── jfreechart.jar
│    ├── ltm
│    │    └── AppHistoryPanel.java
│    │    └── DetailsPanel.java
│    │    └── LTMApplication.java
│    │    └── Main.java
│    │    └── PerformancePanel.java
│    │    └── ProcessesPanel.java
│    │    └── ServicesPanel.java
│    │    └── StartupPanel.java
│    │    └── UsersPanel.java
│    │    ├── scripts
│    │    │    └── app_history.sh
│    │    │    └── details.sh
│    │    │    └── list_running_processes.sh
│    │    │    └── performance_data.sh
│    │    │    └── services_data.sh
│    │    │    └── set_execute_permission.sh
│    │    │    └── startup_data.sh
│    │    │    └── system_details.sh
│    │    │    └── user_data.sh
└── version.txt


The LTM project relies on various open-source libraries and resources. Special thanks to the contributors of these projects for their valuable work.

  • FlatLaf: Java Swing Look and Feel library.


Contributions to LTM are welcome! Contributions to this project are welcome. If you have any suggestions, bug reports, or feature requests, please open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT license.


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