
Redis Input/Output Tool

Primary LanguageJava


RIOT is a data import/export tool for Redis. Use RIOT to bulk load/unload data from files (CSV, JSON, XML) and relational databases (JDBC), replicate data between Redis databases, or generate random datasets (Faker).

Getting Started

Download and Run

Download the latest release and untar/unzip the archive.

Launch the riot script (riot.bat for Windows) and follow the usage information provided.

Install via Homebrew

$ brew install jruaux/tap/riot
$ riot --help

Tab Completion

RIOT has command line completion in Bash or ZSH Unix shells. The Unix shell will complete a command or option when users type the first few letters then press the TAB key.

Run the following command to install completion:

$ source <(riot generate-completion)

Using Docker

docker run ajeetraina/riot


Relevant Command for ElastiCache ===

Listing out all databases

> info keyspace

Listing out all keys

$redis-cli -h <endpoint> -p
> KEYS *

Flushing all keys

Please ensure that you are not running the below command in clustered mode. Under clustered mode on EC, select command is not supported. Also, if you get error "READONLY" while using flushall, it means you are running it on slave node.

select 1