
Feature Request: Add option to search non java resources inside Jars

sharadtank opened this issue · 4 comments

A feature to search non java resources inside jars will be helpful. This feature is not present in any other eclipse plugin.

I guess ideally we want to index all file extensions that are specified in preferences.

Thank you for replying. Yes. I think, that is how it should be.

it would be great to support C++ files.

You can choose which file extensions you want to index with the InstaSearch, from the preference page > Search > InstaSearch.


This was already included on: 4ba00bc

private static class ExtensionsFieldEditor extends StringButtonFieldEditor {
public ExtensionsFieldEditor(Composite parent) {
super(PreferenceConstants.P_INDEXABLE_EXTENSIONS, "Extensions of files to index", parent);
protected String changePressed() {
String exts = this.getStringValue();
TypeFilteringDialog dialog = new TypeFilteringDialog(getPage().getShell(),
Object[] newSelectedTypes = dialog.getResult();
if( newSelectedTypes == null )
return null;
return StringUtils.join(newSelectedTypes, ",");
protected void doFillIntoGrid(Composite parent, int numColumns) {
super.doFillIntoGrid(parent, numColumns);
Text txt = getTextControl();
GridData gd = (GridData) txt.getLayoutData();
if( gd != null )
gd.widthHint = 250;