- 10
#100 opened by dtxl - 0
- 4
- 3
New build on marketplace
#94 opened by jmiserez - 8
Invisible Instasearch on Eclipse Neon.3 (4.6.3)
#87 opened by tsgiannis - 2
Change key-bind?
#85 opened by manavortex - 1
Request: Create a License
#96 opened by zaerald - 4
- 6
Use default value for "Match highlight background color" instead of custom.
#68 opened by DenysPanchenko - 3
No idea how to do a search
#91 opened by ElectricRCAircraftGuy - 0
- 3
exact phrase match is not at the top
#67 opened by michalre - 1
Support adding new extension for indexing
#82 opened by cncndl - 0
- 1
- 6
Bug: update index progtess blocks (maven) builds
#75 opened by cforce - 2
Lock obtain timed out
#88 opened by nimo23 - 0
Turning off "Find similar matches when no exact matches found" option does not work
#83 opened by michalre - 1
Hitting ENTER should expand all found items
#54 opened by amadawn - 0
java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.lang.Boolean
#81 opened by ahoehma - 2
Can't run plugin in Helios
#41 opened by dany52 - 2
Unable to install plugin manually or through eclipse marketplace on eclipse mars
#78 opened by Shreyas121 - 4
searching for a phrase does not work
#63 opened by adrian-herscu - 7
Another Error creating index
#69 opened - 7
Search using a Working Set filter - does not work
#37 opened by rafi-d - 4
IOException: read past EOF
#61 opened by kjlubick - 0
Error creating index
#66 opened by kebeda - 5
cannot limit matching only to file contents
#64 opened by adrian-herscu - 5
Maven source jar attachment not searched
#62 opened by greenrd - 5
Can't install in Eclipse 3.6
#49 opened by da-z - 1
- 1
Current File Match Lag
#59 opened by christierney402 - 0
only search in open file instead of all files
#42 opened by billhwhuang - 1
Add "open files" to "Filter by..." dropdown combo
#58 opened by amadawn - 1
Hitting Down while on the instasearch textbox should move the focus to the first found item
#56 opened by amadawn - 1
- 3
Make instasearch mercurial and git aware
#53 opened by amadawn - 1
- 3
Cannot install into Windriver Workbench (org.apache.commons.lang could not be found)
#51 opened by amadawn - 4
Update Site Network Down
#50 opened by joshuak2s - 3
add binding to Ctrl+Shift+F
#46 opened by paulvi - 0
- 0
Please alsway update Makretplace entry
#44 opened by paulvi - 0
line ending issue (CRLF) inside repository
#47 opened by paulvi - 0
- 1
Search History
#36 opened by fbarbozac - 1
Indexing jar source attachments
#35 opened by ninjafrombox - 0
- 0
Regex search not working, not supported?
#33 opened by aeisenberg - 0