ajescode's Stars
A curated list of bookmarks, packages, tutorials, videos and other cool resources from the Laravel ecosystem
The PHP Interpreter
A common problem in Numismatics, the study of currency, is to detect whether two coins have been struck by the same die. Striking a coin refers to pressing an image into the blank metal disc of the coin. To produce a coin, one must use two dies: one for the observe side (head) and another for the reverse side (tail). Our goal in this problem is to automatically predict given two coins, each as a pair of images representing observe and reverse sides, 1)whether the observe sides of those two coins have been struck by the same die, and 2) whether the reverse sides of those two coins have been struck by the same die. To do this, we are providing you with a dataset consisting of 91 images of ancient coins of the Roman emperor Caracalla minted in Damascus. Each images depicts the observe and reverse sides of a coin. Also provided is an excel sheet that describes which observe sides and reverse sides of which coins have been struck by the same die. For example, given the following two rows from the excel sheet: 1 O1 R1 2 O1 R2 This indicates that the observe sides of the two coins 1 and 2 have been struck by the same die, whereas their reverse sides were struck by different dies. You should build a deep learning model to solve the above problem. Once trained, your model should take two images representing two coins, and output whether their observe sides have been struck by the same die or not, and whether their reverse sides have been struck by the same die or not. You should submit your code as well as a write-up describing how you modeled the problem, what architecture and loss function you used, how did you split your data for training, validation, etc and finally some performance evaluation. Make sure you also submit your trained model so we can test it on other datasets.
😎 Awesome lists about Astronomy stuff. ⭐ Databases, sites, Twitter accounts, projects, NASA, ESA, JAXA, and more 🚀
Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We’ve already laid the foundation for your next big idea — freeing you to create without sweating the small things.