
US University admissions data has been analysed using multivariate techniques

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Data Dictionary

  • Group: A categorical variable indicating whether the college is public or private. 1 indicates a private college and 0 indicates a public college.
  • Private: A binary variable indicating whether the college is private or not. 1 indicates a private college and 0 indicates a public college.
  • Apps: The total number of applications received by the college.
  • Accept: The total number of applications accepted by the college.
  • Acceptance_70: The acceptance rate of the college. (Acceptance rate = Accept/Apps, >70% - 1, else - 0) - This column has been added manually for analysis.
  • Enroll: The total number of students enrolled in the college.
  • Top10perc: The percentage of new students who ranked in the top 10% of their high school class.
  • Top25perc: The percentage of new students who ranked in the top 25% of their high school class.
  • F.Undergrad: The total number of full-time undergraduate students enrolled in the college.
  • P.Undergrad: The total number of part-time undergraduate students enrolled in the college.
  • Outstate: The out-of-state tuition fee for the college.
  • Room.Board: The cost of room and board for the college.
  • Books: The estimated cost of books and supplies for a year of study.
  • Personal: The estimated personal expenses for a year of study.
  • PhD: The percentage of faculty members who hold a PhD degree.
  • Terminal: The percentage of faculty members who hold a terminal degree in their field of study.
  • S.F.Ratio: The student-to-faculty ratio for the college.
  • perc.alumni: The percentage of alumni who donate to the college.
  • Expend: The instructional expenditure per student at the college.
  • Grad.Rate: The graduation rate of the college as a percentage.

Questions I tried to answer

  1. Based on the given variables, can we classify the colleges based on their type (Public/Private)?

  2. Based on the given variables, can we predict the type of college?

File Dictionary

  • US_College_Analysis_Report.pdf file gives the brief report of the questions answered and the hypothesis results.
  • College_Data_Cleaned.csv is the dataset considered for the analysis where randonly 30 colleges where chosen from the original master college dataset from Kaggle website.
  • The US_College_Analysis.Rmd file contains the R code for the complete analysis performed, the flow of thought process, and inferences mentioned after each step.
  • The US_College_Analysis.html file gives the output of the Rmd file which includes the outputs of the file with visuals and inferences.