Proof Driven Development with Coq and dune

This project is an exercise in proof driven development in OCaml's build tool dune. The CLI program implemented in this project sorts a sequence of integers received as standard input and outputs them to standard output.


$ echo '5 3 5 1' | dune exec dune_coq_example
1 3 5 5


It is tedious to manually convert from Coq codes to OCaml codes every time. I want the code to be converted by itself at build time, and I want the converted code to be immediately referenceable by other OCaml code.


References between Coq codes are realized by the following file arrangement:

  • Most of the Coq code is placed in theories directory.
  • Only the Coq code for code extraction is placed in the lib directory.

Future Tasks

  • Many boiler plates
    • Setting up coq.extraction is a pain. I think prelude is necessary (for code identification for code extraction), but I don't see why extracted_modules is needed.
  • When Coq code for code extraction is opened in CoqIDE, the code is also extracted in the project root.
    • It's a little creepy, though, if we just ignore it with .gitignore.
