
A Danger plugin for SwifLlint.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Danger SwiftLint

A Danger plugin for SwiftLint that runs on macOS.


Add this line to your Gemfile:

gem 'danger-swiftlint'

SwiftLint also needs to be installed before you run Danger, which you can do via Homebrew or a Brewfile.


The easiest way to use is just add this to your Dangerfile:


By default danger-swiftlint will lint added and modified files.

swiftlint.config_file = '.swiftlint.yml'
swiftlint.binary_path = '/path/to/swiftlint'
swiftlint.max_num_violations = 20

If you want the lint result shows in diff instead of comment, you can use inline_mode option. Violations that out of the diff will show in danger's fail or warn section.

swiftlint.lint_files inline_mode: true

If you want different configurations on different directories, you can specify the directory. Note: Run swiftlint.lint_files per specified directory then.

swiftlint.directory "Directory A"

If you want lint errors to fail Danger, you can use fail_on_error option.

swiftlint.lint_files fail_on_error: true

If you need to specify options for swiftlint that can only be specified by command line arguments, use the additional_swiftlint_args option.

swiftlint.lint_files additional_swiftlint_args: '--lenient'

You can use the SWIFTLINT_VERSION environment variable to override the default version installed via the rake install task.

Finally, if something's not working correctly, you can debug this plugin by using setting swiftlint.verbose = true.


Original structure, sequence, and organization of repo taken from danger-prose by David Grandinetti.
