Deploy Chainlink nodes with Kubernetes
- This deployment was tested on Linode and loadbalancer service created for Linode Loadbalancer - make changes to code per your cloud provider.
- You will need a running PostgreSQL database.
- Export the required variables below for the deployment.
Variable | Description |
API | base64 encoded API creds: echo -e "api_username\napi_password" | base64 |
PWD | base64 encoded keystore password: echo -e "keystore_pwd" | base64 |
ETHURL | Ethereum client websocket endpoint (from on-prem or provider infura, fiews, etc.) wss://eth.url |
DBURL | Postgres connection string: postgresql://<db_username>:<db_password>@<db_url>:<db_port>/<db_name> |
- Use
to populate required variables to K8s objects during deployment.
envsubst < k8s_object.yaml | kubectl apply -f -