
Public location for issue reporting on the Blockmarket Desktop public data, built using Syscoin blockchain technology.

Blockmarket Desktop Public

This is the public issue and release space for Blockchain Foundry's Blockmarket product. Blockmarket's source code is proprietary but this repository serves as a location for issue tracking and releases for Blockmarket Desktop binaries.

Blockmarket is intended to be a complete replacement for all of the Syscoin QT Wallet's consumer facing functionality, making it more useable and providing new features such as email notification, etc as well.

Blockmarket Desktop Status: 1.2 | Download 1.2

Note: Bugs, issues, areas of improvement, etc. are all expected in this phase of product development. Please help us and report issues that you find.

Help By Reporting Issues

If you run into a bug, problem, or are which you feel could be improved please check to see if the issue has already been reported, if it has not please log a new issue.

Blockmarket Offer JSON Spec

Blockmarket stores offer data as a HTML-entity encoded JSON object within the offer.description field in the following format:

interface OfferDescription {
  description: string;
  images: string[];

SHA-1/SHA-256 checksums

Releases will be published with SHA-1 and SHA-256 checksum string. Here is how to get or check the checksums of a downloaded file.


SHA-1: openssl sha -sha1 Blockmarket-1.2.1.dmg

SHA-256: openssl sha -sha256 Blockmarket-1.2.1.dmg


SHA-1: shasum -a 1 Blockmarket-1.2.1.dmg

SHA-256: shasum -a 256 Blockmarket-1.2.1.dmg


SHA-1: certUtil -hashfile Blockmarket Setup 1.2.1.exe sha1

SHA-256: certUtil -hashfile Blockmarket Setup 1.2.1.exe sha256