The database for the mobile application, Yam.
This is the repo for the database skeleton that backs the mobile application Yam.
First and foremost, you must have Docker installed
These instructions should be the same for OS X & Linux & Windows
docker run -d -p 5432:5432 --name postgis-db -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=root -d mdillon/postgis
docker exec -it postgis-db sh -c 'exec psql -U postgres'
Note: you will be prompted for the postgres password we set, which is root
From within the psql shell, run these commands to create our user and database
CREATE USER yamuser WITH password 'secret-password';
Now lets run the setup files to create the schema and functions
docker cp setup-files/. postgis-db:/setup-files/
docker cp setup.sql postgis-db:/setup-files/
docker exec -it postgis-db sh -c "exec psql -U postgres -d yamdb -a -f setup-files/setup.sql"
To verify that the tables were created, you may check with psql
docker exec -it postgis-db sh -c "psql -d yamdb -U yamuser"
Then run this command in the db shell to see all the tables in our schema
\dt yamschema.*
to quit
If there are tables at this point, congrats, you are ready to use the db
If there are no tables, please kill/restart the container and try again
This command will ERASE everything thats in the Database
docker cp setup-files/. postgis-db:/setup-files/
docker cp setup.sql postgis-db:/setup-files/
docker exec -it postgis-db sh -c "exec psql -U postgres -d yamdb -a -f setup-files/setup.sql"
- 0.0.1
- Work in progress