
A messaging gateway that accepts alerts from Prometheus and forwards them to the LINE Notify API

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

LINE Notify Gateway

Node Express server for forwarding Prometheus AlertManager alerts

Provides a Node docker image running the included Express server.

This server listens for requests from Prometheus Alert Manager, translates the request to be compliant with the LINE Notify API and forwards the request to the LINE Notify server.

Getting Started

  1. Gateway Configuration
  2. Ports
  3. TLS Configuration
  4. Endpoints
  5. Alertmanager Configuration
  6. Running the Server
  7. Adding colors for Severity Levels
  8. Tests
  9. Contact Information

Gateway Configuration

Configure the LINE Gateway with the following environmental variables:

ENV Variable Name Required/Optional Type Description
REQUEST_URL Required string URL to forward requests to
PROXY_URL Optional string Proxy server address
DEFAULT_LINE_TOKEN Optional string Default token that will be used if one is not specified in the Alertmanager Configuration
ENABLE_TLS Optional boolean Enables HTTPS Server
NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED Optional integer Disable TLS Reject Unauthorized (0 to disable)
NODE_ENV Optional String Set node Environment. Defaults to development, set to production for production environment


This server listens for HTTP requests on port 8080.

If TLS is enabled the server listens for HTTPS requests on 8443

TLS Configuration

The server expects an SSL certificate named crt.pem and an unencrypted private key named key.pem. Place these two files in the ssl folder prior to building the docker image or running the server in a Node environment.


POST /notify

Post alert requets to this endpoint

Request methods/headers value
Method POST
authorization Bearer <LINE_token>
content-type application/json
Body Data Structures


Name Type Description
status string Status of alert
alerts array <Alert> array of Alerts


Name Type Description
labels Key-Value pairs Alert labels
annotations Key-Value pairs Alert Annotations

For further details see Alertmanager Documentation


Returns this readme

GET /health
Status Code Type Description
200 HealthCheck Basic Health Check
Name Type Notes
uptime string Time server has been running
message string Response message
timestamp string Time of health check
GET /metrics

Prometheus metrics

Alertmanager Configuration

The server expects a request from the Prometheus Alertmanager with LINE token specified in the header:

Sample Request Headers
  'user-agent': 'Alertmanager/0.26.0',
  'content-length': '894',
  authorization: 'Bearer <line_token>',
  'content-type': 'application/json'

A properly formatted request can be generated by the following Alertmanager receiver configuration:

Sample Alert Configuration
  - url: <gateway_server_url>/notify
        type: Bearer
        credentials_file: <path_to_credential_file>

With such a configuration the LINE token is stored in a credential file:

Sample Credential File
Mounting Credential File

In order not to be exposed, the credential file can be stored as a secret which the docker image can mount.

Running the server

You can run this project in several ways:

1. Docker Image
docker build -t <ImageTag> .
docker run <ImageTag>

The docker file included in this project set up the server and uses PM2 process manager to manage the process. A basic PM2 configuraiton is provided in ecosystem.config.cjs, please see PM2 Docker Integration Documentation for more information.

If you want to specify environmental variables add them to your docker run command as needed. For example to specify a proxy:

docker run -e PROXY_URL=<proxy_url> <ImageTag>

Or to specify a request url:

docker run -e REQUEST_URL=<request_url> <ImageTag>
2. Direct Install in Node Environment
  1. Run npm install to install packages
  2. Run npm start to start server
3. Build project and run in Node Environment
  1. Run npm install to install packages
  2. Run npm run build to compile the typescript app to ./dist
  3. In the ./dist folder run node Server.js to start the server

Adding colors for severity levels

Colors for severity levels are mapped in src/utils/TextUtils.ts

const SEVERITY_LOOKUP = new Map([
  ["none", "🔵"],
  ["warning", "🟡"],
  ["critical", "🔴"],
  ["default", "⚪"],

For other severity levels, add another mapping:

const SEVERITY_LOOKUP = new Map([
  ["none", "🔵"],
  ["warning", "🟡"],
  ["critical", "🔴"],
  ["default", "⚪"],
  ["resolved", "🟢"]

A similar map for Status icons is present in src/utils/TextUtils.ts as well and can be edited in the same fasion as Severity.


This project includes a suite of tests located in the src/tests directory. You can run all tests by running

npm run test

You can also run individual tests with the following commands:

Test Command
MessageUtils npm run test-message-utils
TextUtils npm run test-text-utils
NotifyController npm run test-notify-controller
LineNotifyService npm run test-line-notify-service

Contact Information

Please contact the author Alex Holliday if you have any questions or require assistance
