
Logging my accomplishments and goals


My two main goals are to become a better programmer and live a healthier life. I'm practicing Deep Work which encourages me to be present and relax. I intend to get a job as a developer, build more complex and useful projects, hit the gym regularly and be happy.


WIP: Get a Developer Job | Project: Parabol Action | Course: ES6 for Everyone

Total Points Earned: 380

S/N Date Activity Points Links
1 07/01/18 Wrote 50 Medium
2 14/01/18 Gym (twice) 20 Prime Fitness
3 14/01/18 Run (twice) 20 #
4 14/01/18 Open Source PR 50 reporter-bot - Windows OS fix
5 14/01/18 Slack Bot 40 reporter-bot tutorial
6 21/01/18 Setup Ubuntu 100 #
7 21/01/18 Gym (twice) 20 Prime Fitness
8 21/01/18 Run (thrice) 30 #
9 21/01/18 Open Source PR 50 Speedstudy
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I'm yoloing my own way.

Inspired by P1xt and Kornil