
A yeoman generator to generate bazel cpp project.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

generator-bazel-cpp NPM version Build Status Dependency Status

A generator to generate C++ project using bazel.


Ensure bazel exists in your system path. bazelisk is recommended since it also manages bazel versions.

First, install Yeoman and generator-bazel-cpp using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js).

npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-bazel-cpp

Then generate your new project:

yo bazel-cpp


This project uses bazel-compilation-database to generate compile_commands.json. vscode-clangd is recommended for code completion and navigation.


Once project structure has been changed, run ./gencomp.sh and restart clangd server in VSCode.


VSCode Task Shell Input and CodeLLDB extensions are required to debug.

Debug using launch.json

launch.json has been configured to debug unit tests. To start debugging, just set breaking points and focus on your test file, click Run Debug Test.

debug launch

Debug using TestMate

VSCode C++ TestMate is a great tool to run and debug C++ unit tests (including Catch2, GoogleTest).

This project has been configured to adapt the extension. To start running or debugging unit tests, build tests (with VSCode build task or in the terminal) first and then test suites will be shown in the test explorer.

run build


Happy debugging!

debug testmate


MIT © ajihyf