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##: fire: Features
- class naming according to [BEM] (https://ru.bem.info/)
- BEM structure is used
- preprocessors are used [Pug] (https://pugjs.org/) and [SCSS] (https://sass-lang.com/)
- uses transpiler [Babel] (https://babeljs.io/) to support modern JavaScript (ES6) in browsers
- used by [Webpack] (https://webpack.js.org/) to build JavaScript modules
- uses CSS-grid [smart-grid] (https://github.com/dmitry-lavrik/smart-grid) based on Bootstrap for fast responsive layout
- using a hard code guide
- used to check the code for errors before committing
##: hammer_and_wrench: Install
- install [NodeJS] (https://nodejs.org/en/) (if required) and [Yarn] (https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/install)
- download the build in the console using [Git] (https://git-scm.com/downloads): `` 'git clone https: // github.com / andreyalexeich / gulp-pug-starter.git ,,,
- install
globally: - install
globally:`yarn global add bem-tools-core
- go to the downloaded assembly folder:
`cd gulp-pug-starter
- download the required dependencies: `` `yarn```
- to get started, enter the command:
yarn run dev
(development mode) - to build the project, enter the command
yarn run build
(build mode)
If you did everything correctly, you should open a browser with a local server. Build mode assumes project optimization: image compression, minification of CSS and JS files for uploading to the server.
##: open_file_folder: File structure
├── dist
├── gulp-tasks
├── src
│ ├── blocks
│ ├── fonts
│ ├── img
│ ├── js
│ ├── styles
│ ├── views
│ └── .htaccess
├── gulpfile.babel.js
├── webpack.config.js
├── package.json
├── .babelrc.js
├── .bemrc.js
├── .eslintrc.json
├── .stylelintrc
├── .stylelintignore
└── .gitignore
- Folder root:
- Babel settings.bemrc.js
- BEM settings.eslintrc.json
- ESLint settings.gitignore
- disallow Git tracking of files`.stylelintrc
- Stylelint settings'.stylelintignore
- prohibition of file tracking by Stylelint'gulpfile.babel.js
- Gulp settings'webpack.config.js
- Webpack settings`package.json
- list of dependencies
- Folder
- used during development:- BEM blocks and components:
src / blocks
- fonts:
src / fonts
- images:
src / img
- JS files:
src / js
- site pages:
src / views / pages
- SCSS files:
src / styles
- service Pug files:
src / views
- Apache web server configuration file with settings [gzip] (https://habr.com/ru/post/221849/) (lossless compression):
src / .htaccess
- BEM blocks and components:
folder - the folder from which the local server for development is started (when you startyarn run dev
)- Folder
- folder with Gulp-tasks
##: keyboard: Commands
yarn run lint: styles
- check SCSS files. For VSCode, you need to install [plugin] (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=shinnn.stylelint). For WebStorm or PHPStorm must enable Stylelint inLanguages & Frameworks - Style Sheets - Stylelint
(errors will be fixed automatically when you save the file)yarn run lint: styles --fix
- fix errors in SCSS filesyarn run lint: scripts
- check JS filesyarn run lint: scripts --fix
- fix errors in JS filesyarn run dev
- start the server for project development- ``` yarn run build`` - build a project with optimization without starting the server
yarn run build: views
- compile Pug filesyarn run build: styles
- compile SCSS filesyarn run build: scripts
- build JS filesyarn run build: images
- build imagesyarn run build: webp
- convert images to `` .webp```yarn run build: sprites
- build spritesyarn run build: fonts
- build fontsyarn run build: favicons
- build faviconsyarn run build: gzip
- build Apache configurationyarn run bem-m
- add a BEM blockyarn run bem-c
- add component
##: bulb: Recommendations for use
- each BEM block has its own folder inside `` src / blocks / modules ''
- folder of one BEM block contains one Pug file, one SCSS file and one JS file (if the block uses a script)
- The pug file of the block is imported to the file `` src / views / index.pug '' (or to the required page file from where the block will be called)
- The SCSS file of the block is imported into the file `` src / blocks / modules / _modules.scss ''
- JS file of the block is imported into `` src / js / import / modules.js ''
An example of a folder structure with a BEM block:
blocks ├── modules │ ├── header │ │ ├── header.pug │ │ ├── header.js │ │ ├── header.scss
In order not to manually create the corresponding folder and files, it is enough to write the following commands in the console:
yarn run bem-m my-block
- to create a BEM block insrc / block / modules
(for main BEM blocks), wheremy-block
`- the name of the BEM block;yarn run bem-with my-component
- to create a component insrc / blocks / components
(for components), wheremy-component
is the name of the component
- components (for example, icons, buttons) are styled in Pug using mixins
- each component has its own folder inside
src / blocks / components
- the folder of one component contains one Pug file, one SCSS file and one JS file (if the component uses a script)
- The pug file of the component is imported into the main page file `` src / views / index.pug '' (or into the required page file from where the component will be called)
- The SCSS file of the component is imported into the file
src / blocks / components / _components.scss
- JS file of the component is imported into the file `` src / js / import / components.js ''
- project pages are located in the folder
src / views / pages
- each page (including the main page) inherits the template
src / views / layouts / default.pug
- main page:
'src / views / index.pug
- each page (including the main page) inherits the template
- fonts are in the `` src / fonts '' folder
- use [formats] (https://caniuse.com/#search=woff)
and` `` .woff2``` - fonts are included in the file `` src / styles / base / _fonts.scss ''
- you can convert local fonts using [this service] (https://onlinefontconverter.com/)
- use [formats] (https://caniuse.com/#search=woff)
- images are in the folder `` src / img ''
- image for generating favicons must be located in the folder
src / img / favicon '' and have a size of at least
1024px x 1024px '' - images are automatically converted to `` .webp '' format. Detailed information on use [here] (https://vk.com/@vk_it-webp).
- image for generating favicons must be located in the folder
- all third-party libraries are installed in the `` node_modules '' folder
- to load them use the command
yarn add package_name
- to connect JS files of libraries, import them at the very beginning of the JS file of the BEM block (that is, the BEM block that the script uses), for example: javascript import $ from "jquery"; ``
- to include the style files of the libraries, import them into the file `` src / styles / vendor / _libs.scss ''
- JS files and library style files cannot be changed by yourself
- to load them use the command
: warning: If your project uses several libraries that need to be included on several pages, to avoid errors you need to:
- along the path
src / js / import
, create a folderpages
- in the folder
, create a js-file for the page, for example,pageA.js
, and import a library there that will be used only on this page- perform the same step for additional pages
- in the file
webpack.config.js '' add js-files of pages to the entry point, example: javascript entry: { main: "./src/js/index.js", pageA: "./src/js/import/pages/pageA.js", pageB: "./src/js/import/pages/pageB.js" }
- include compiled js-files on the required pages
##: hash: smart-grid CSS The builder includes the [smart-grid] CSS grid (https://github.com/dmitry-lavrik/smart-grid) from [Dmitry Lavrik] (https://dmitrylavrik.ru/). It allows you to get rid of unnecessary classes in markup due to the use of mixins in SCSS and speeds up adaptive layout. The configuration is already set up according to the [Bootstrap] grid (https://getbootstrap.com/). Instructions for use [here] (https://grid4web.ru/basics).
##: point_right: Need SCSS without Pug? Use [this] (https://github.com/andreyalexeich/gulp-scss-starter/) assembly.
##: yellow_heart: Like the project? Let me know about [bugs] (https://github.com/andreyalexeich/gulp-pug-starter/issues), put an asterisk in the upper right corner, bother me for beer: beer:
- [On PayPal] (https://www.paypal.me/andreyalexeich)
- [To the card - 5536 9137 5288 1934] (https://www.tinkoff.ru/cardtocard/)
##: envelope: Contacts
- VK: [@andreyalexeich] (https://vk.com/andreyalexeich)
- Telegram: [@andreyalexeich] (https://t-do.ru/andreyalexeich)