DevOps Project!🚀

The above image reprerents the architecture diagram for the DevOps project. A more detailed review of this architecture can be found in the video submitted alongside this project. These are the links to access the applications live:

Angular App =>

Laravel App =>

Also, each of the applications have their individual repositries that can all be accessed her:

Angular Repo =>

Laravel Repo =>

Before/After Results From Running the CI/CD Pipeline




This repository contains all the scripts and config files that were used in this project. Let me explain below what each file does:

  • is the user data script provided to my droplet upon creation to automatically bootstrap it with dependencies such nginx,nodejs and php that are needed to run the applications.

  • are miscellaneous commands I thougt I should save.

  • nginx-config.conf contains the web server configuration used to serve the Angular and Laravel applications.

  • load-test.js is the script I ran to generate load on my droplet to makesure the monitoring and alerting system works properly.

  • laravel-workflow.yml is the github actions file to automatically build and deploy the Laravel application.

  • angular-workflow.yml same as above, but for the Angular Application