
Enforces www for node.js koa projects

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Koa force www

This simple Koa.js middleware enforces www subdomain (or the opposite) on any incoming requests. In case of a non-subdomain (or the opposite) request, koa-www-force automatically redirects to the required subdomain using a 301 permanent redirect.

koa-www-force also works behind reverse proxies (load balancers) as they are for example used by Heroku and nodejitsu. In such cases, however, the trustHostHeader parameter has to be set (see below).


$ npm install koa-www-force



params: {Hash} options

return: {Function}

Available Options

  • www [Boolean] - wether to add or remove www subdomain from the urls (default is true)
  • trustHostHeader [Boolean] - trust x-forwarded-host header from Heroku, nodejitsu or any other proxy (default is false)
  • useHTTPS [Boolean] - to redirect to the https version of the domain (default is false)
  • ignoreUrl [Boolean] - ignore request url, redirect all requests to root (default is false)
  • temporary [Boolean] - use 302 Temporary Redirect (default is to use 301 Permanent Redirect)
  • redirectMethods [Array] - Whitelist methods that should be redirected (default is ['GET', 'HEAD'])
  • internalRedirectMethods [Array] - Whitelist methods for 307 Internal Redirect (default is [])

Reverse Proxies (Heroku, Nodejitsu and others)

Heroku, nodejitsu and other hosters often use reverse proxies which offer SSL endpoints but then forward unencrypted HTTP traffic to the website. This makes it difficult to detect if the original host came with or without www. Luckily, most reverse proxies set the x-forwarded-host header flag with the original request scheme. koa-www-force is ready for such scenarios, but you have to specifically request the evaluation of this flag:

  trustHostHeader: true

Please do not set this flag if you are not behind a proxy that is setting this header as such flags can be easily spoofed in a direct client/server connection.


Without Reverse Proxy

Add www subdomain to all pages

const Koa = require('koa');
const enforceWWW = require('koa-www-force');
const app = new Koa();

// Force www on all page

Remove www subdomain from all pages

const Koa = require('koa');
const enforceWWW = require('koa-www-force');
const app = new Koa();

// Remove www on all pages
  www: false

With Reverse Proxy

const Koa = require('koa');
const enforceWWW = require('koa-www-force');
const app = new Koa();

// Force www on all page
  trustHostHeader: true

Advanced Redirect Setting

Redirect Methods

By default only GET and HEAD methods are whitelisted for redirect. koa-www-force will respond with 403 on all other methods. You can change whitelisted methods by passing redirectMethods array to options.

Internal Redirect Support [POST/PUT]

By default there is no HTTP(S) methods whitelisted for 307 internal redirect. You can define custom whitelist of methods for 307 by passing internalRedirectMethods array to options. This should be useful if you want to support POST and PUT delegation from HTTP to HTTPS. For more info see this article.




This project is inspired and based on the wonderful work of koa-sslify