Omicron is an open source Game Engine for Java based on LibGDX, inspired by Fantasy Consoles. Write your retro games with the simplest possible API and either package it as a cartridge, or include the runtime in your own distribution!
- Super simple API, just a couple of methods for drawing, playing sound, handling input, etc.
- No resource management: just refer to the thing you want to draw or play by it's number.
- Work on desktop and android
- Plaform independent API
- Customizable resolution
Feature Demo example
A screenshot from the demo game, Alien Buster
A videogame developed with Omicron, Doors of Doom, available on Play Store
- Build the omicron-api project (
mvn clean install
) - Build the omicron-engine project (
mvn clean install
) - Build the helloworld demo project (
mvn clean install
) - Build the helloworld-desktop project (
mvn clean install assembly:single
) - Run the output jar (
java -jar target/hello-world-desktop-0.0.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar
For android:
- Go to android folder and run
gradlew android:installDebug android:run
Omicron has a minimalistic and self-explanatory API. Take a look at it here for the full API!
Take a look at the Hello World example to get a feeling!
Then head to the wiki for some documentation!