
Django (using django-rest-framework) was used to complete the task. Dockerfile was created for the project. The project can be run locally using the docker image on the 8000 port.

Steps for running the project

Clone the github repository

git clone

Change the directory to the project directory

cd receipts-api

Build the Docker image

docker build -t receipts-api-app .

Run the Docker container

docker run -p 8000:8000 receipts-api-app

After running these commands, both the get and post apis can be tested.

Sample test case for the apis

POST api

API Details:

  • Path: /receipts/process
  • Method: POST
  • Payload: Receipt JSON
  • Response: JSON containing an id for the receipt.

Example receipt information:

  "retailer": "Target",
  "purchaseDate": "2022-01-01",
  "purchaseTime": "13:01",
  "items": [
      "shortDescription": "Mountain Dew 12PK",
      "price": "6.49"
      "shortDescription": "Emils Cheese Pizza",
      "price": "12.25"
      "shortDescription": "Knorr Creamy Chicken",
      "price": "1.26"
      "shortDescription": "Doritos Nacho Cheese",
      "price": "3.35"
      "shortDescription": "   Klarbrunn 12-PK 12 FL OZ  ",
      "price": "12.00"
  "total": "35.35"

Command to test the example receipt:

curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
  "retailer": "Target",
  "purchaseDate": "2022-01-01",
  "purchaseTime": "13:01",
  "items": [
      "shortDescription": "Mountain Dew 12PK",
      "price": "6.49"
      "shortDescription": "Emils Cheese Pizza",
      "price": "12.25"
      "shortDescription": "Knorr Creamy Chicken",
      "price": "1.26"
      "shortDescription": "Doritos Nacho Cheese",
      "price": "3.35"
      "shortDescription": "   Klarbrunn 12-PK 12 FL OZ  ",
      "price": "12.00"
  "total": "35.35"

Example Response:

    "id": 1

Get api

After running the above post request, we will have one entry for the receipt with id 1 for which we can calculate the score using the get api shown below.

API Details:

  • Path: /receipts/{id}/points
  • Method: GET
  • Response: A JSON object containing the number of points awarded.

Command to test for receipt id 1:

curl --location ''

Example Response:

{"points": 28}