
A real world demo (Airport Self Service Kiosk) to stream microphone audio output (WebRTC) to a back-end web application over websockets, and let your conversational AI speak out the answers. A solution built with: Dialogflow for chatbots, Speech to Text, Text to Speech, Websockets, Angular, Node.js, Audio Streaming, WebRTC.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Google Cloud / Dialogflow - Self Service Desk Demo

By Lee Boonstra, Developer Advocate @ Google Cloud.

Open in Cloud Shell

Airport SelfServiceDesk demo, to demonstrate how microphone streaming to GCP works, from a web application.

In this demo, you can start recording your voice, it will display answers on a screen.

alt text

alt text

Setup Local Environment

These steps will deploy a Node JS application with a Angular client, to a cluster with Cloud Run for Anthos. It will also deploy a Dialogflow Agent, for intent matching.

  1. Set the PROJECT_ID variable: export PROJECT_ID=[gcp-project-id]

  2. Set the project: gcloud config set project $PROJECT_ID

  3. Download the service account key.

  4. Assign the key to environment var: GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS

LINUX/MAC export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/path/to/service_account.json WIN set GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=c:\keys\key-ssd.json

  1. Login: gcloud auth login

  2. Open env.txt, change the environment variables and rename the file to .env

  3. Enable APIs:

 gcloud services enable \
 appengineflex.googleapis.com \
 containerregistry.googleapis.com \
 cloudbuild.googleapis.com \
 cloudtrace.googleapis.com \
 dialogflow.googleapis.com \
 logging.googleapis.com \
 monitoring.googleapis.com \
 sourcerepo.googleapis.com \
 speech.googleapis.com \
 texttospeech.googleapis.com \
  1. Build the client-side Angular app:

    cd client && npm install
    npm run-script build
  2. Start the server Typescript app, which is exposed on port 8080:

    cd ../server && npm install
    npm run-script watch
  3. Browse to http://localhost:8080

Setup Dialogflow

  1. Create a Dialogflow agent at: http://console.dialogflow.com

  2. Zip the contents of the dialogflow folder, from this repo.

  3. Click settings > Import, and upload the Dialogflow agent zip, you just created.

  4. Caution: Knowledge connector settings are not currently included when exporting, importing, or restoring agents.

    Make sure you have enabled Beta features in settings.

    1. Select Knowledge from the left menu.
    2. Create a Knowledge Base: Airports
    3. Add the following Knowledge Base FAQs, as text/html documents:
    1. As a response it requires the following custom payload:
    "knowledgebase": true,
    "QUESTION": "$Knowledge.Question[1]",
    "ANSWER": "$Knowledge.Answer[1]"
    1. And to make the Text to Speech version of the answer working add the following Text SSML response:

Deploy with App Engine Flex

This demo makes heavy use of websockets and the microphone getUserMedia() HTML5 API requires to run over HTTPS. Therefore, I deploy this demo with a custom runtime, so I can include my own Dockerfile.

  1. Edit the app.yaml to tweak the environment variables. Set the correct Project ID.

  2. Deploy with: gcloud app deploy

  3. Browse: gcloud app browse