Computer Pointer Controller

Computer Pointer Controller is a application which is used to control the movement of mouse pointer with the movement of eyes and the position of head. In this application we give video as input and estimate the position of eyes in respect to it .

Project Set Up and Installation

Install OpenVINO tool kit - Procedure

Create a virtual environment with conda or venv

Initalize OpenVINO environment : For Windows :

    cd C:\Program Files (x86)\IntelSWTools\openvino\bin\

Download pretrained models with model downloader

[Face Detection](
[Head Pose Estimation](
[Facial Landmark Detection](
[Gaze Estimation](

For Windows

Face Detection

python "C:/Program Files (x86)/IntelSWTools/openvino/deployment_tools/tools/model_downloader/" --name "face-detection-adas-binary-0001"

LandMark Regression

python "C:/Program Files (x86)/IntelSWTools/openvin/deployment_tools/tools/model_downloader/" --name "landmarks-regression-retail-0009"

Head Pose Estimation

python "C:/Program Files (x86)/IntelSWTools/openvino/deployment_tools/tools/model_downloader/" --name "head-pose-estimation-adas-0001"

Gaze Estimation

python "C:/Program Files (x86)/IntelSWTools/openvino/deployment_tools/tools/model_downloader/" --name "gaze-estimation-adas-0002"

Clone repository

git clone 

Install the requirements

cd Computer_Pointer_Controller
pip install -r requirements.txt


Structural Command:

python <path to> -fd <path to face detection directory> -fl <path to landmarks regression retail directory> -hp <path to head pose estimation directory> -ge <path to gaze estimation directory> -i <path to input video> -d CPU

Raw Command

python -fd "../../models/intel/face-detection-adas-binary-0001/FP32-INT1/face-detection-adas-binary-0001" -fl "../../models/intel/landmarks-regression-retail-0009/FP32/landmarks-regression-retail-0009" -hp "../../models/intel/head-pose-estimation-adas-0001/FP32/head-pose-estimation-adas-0001" -ge "../../models/intel/gaze-estimation-adas-0002/FP32/gaze-estimation-adas-0002" -i  ../bin/demo.mp4 -d CPU


-h --help : heap message -fd : (Mandatory) : Path to (.xml) of Face detection model -fl : (Mandatory) : Path to (.xml) of Facial Landmark model -hp : (Mandatory) : Path to (.xml) of Head pose Estimation model -ge : (Mandatory) : Path to (.xml) of Gaxe estimation model -i : (Mandatory) : Path to video file -flags : (Optional) : Specify flags fd,fl,hp,ge for vizuvalization of each model -d : (Optional) : device type


Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8250U CPU @ 1.60GHz


Total Model Load Time : 856.46 ms Total Inference Time : 45.5 seconds FPS : 0.7257 frame/second


This model helps in moving the mouse pointer in accodance with the eye and head

Stand Out Suggestions

Measured the time of each model as told in the suggestion space