
Predict which passengers are transported to an alternate dimension

We will be concentraining on MLOps part only, topics like feature engineering, trying alternate models are given less importance.

Difference between continours delivery and deployment Continous Integration: code commits pushes , reviews Continuous Delivery: ensures that code is always in a deployable state, with automated testing Continuous Deployment : deployment to production.

Note Use the same code base -

  • change the db settings alone and test locally ,
  • Added torch code and flask code additionally
  • test it locally then deploy to AWS Initate git and set git url initiate docker . dont run in same environment

docker build -t spaceship_pro_1 . 600 - 1000 seconds to build docker run -p 8085:8085 spaceship_pro_1

docker exec -it 15e539e58a68 bash

so its able to run properly in a docker env url/train - even if you change the database model will be generated with latest data

now go to aws


  1. Create a iam user with following policies

    a. AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryFullAccess

    b. AmazonEC2FullAccess

  2. Create a new keyvalue pair under security credentials and save the file

  3. Now create ECR repo and store the URL

Go to EC2

  • create keyvalue pair if u want to access through putty. Allow HTTP and HTTPs traffic

Install docker

sudo apt-get update -y

sudo apt-get upgrade

curl -fsSL -o

sudo sh

sudo usermod -aG docker ubuntu

newgrp docker

Now Goto Github

  • Go to Actions -> Runners -> new self hosted runner

  • Execute all commands for linux machine as we selected it

  • While entering name of runner give "self-hosted" runner

Github secrets



AWS_REGION = us-east-1

AWS_ECR_LOGIN_URI = only till .com


IN EC2: change inbound rules for 8085 port access
