
Data Version Control Pipeline assignment-6 from The School of AI EMLO-V4 course assignment https://theschoolof.ai/#programs

Primary LanguagePython

EMLOV4-Session-06 Assignment - Data Version Control


Note: I have completed the optional assignment of integrating comet-ml


  • Start with your repository from last session
  • Add this dataset: https://download.microsoft.com/download/3/E/1/3E1C3F21-ECDB-4869-8368-6DEBA77B919F/kagglecatsanddogs_5340.zip.
  • Add DVC Integration with Google Drive
  • Integrate CometML for logging
  • Create a Github Actions with DVC Pipeline for training
  • Train any ViT model for 5 epochs
  • Here are the Plots you will show
    • train/acc and val/acc in one plot
    • train/loss and val/loss in one plot
    • Confusion Matrix for test dataset and train dataset as image plot
  • Infer on 10 images from test dataset and display the prediction, target along with image in results.md.
    • You’ll be using your infer.py. script for this
    • You can save the images in the predictions folder and then add them to the results.md.
  • Change Model to pretrained and create a PR

Optional Assignment

  • Integrate CometML for logging

Development Method

Build Command

Debug Commands for development

docker build -t light_train_test -f ./Dockerfile .

docker run -d -v /workspace/emlo4-session-06-ajithvcoder/:/workspace/ light_train_test

docker exec -it <c511d4e6ed1a9ca6933c67f02632a2> /bin/bash

Train Test Infer Commands


uv sync --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cpu

Pull data from cloud

dvc pull -r myremote1

Trigger workflow

dvc repro

Comment in PR or commit cml comment create report.md

DVC Integration with Google Cloud Storage

  • Follow first point in the Using service account method metioned here https://dvc.org/doc/user-guide/data-management/remote-storage/google-drive#using-service-accounts
  • Store the api key in local folder as credentials.json but dont commit it to github. if u do so github will raise a warning but inturn google notifies it and revokes the credentials.
  • Better to give owner permission/storage admin permission to the user account
  • Create a folder in google bucket service and get the url for example - gs://dvcmanager/storage where dvcmanager is bucket name and storage is folder name
  • After structuring the train and test images in data folder
  • Run dvc init
  • Now run dvc remote add -d myremote gs://<mybucket>/<path> command. Reference https://dvc.org/doc/user-guide/data-management/remote-storage/google-cloud-storage
  • Run dvc add data
  • Run dvc push -r myremote1
  • Wait for 10 minutes as its 800 MB and if its in github actions wait for 15 minutes.
  • Now add data.yml each and every step using dvc stage add command

Add Train, test, infer, report_generation stages

  • dvc stage add -f -n train -d configs/experiment/catdog_ex.yaml -d src/train.py -d data/cat_dog_medium python src/train.py --config-name=train experiment=catdog_ex trainer.max_epochs=5

  • dvc stage add -f -n test -d configs/experiment/catdog_ex_eval.yaml -d src/eval.py python src/eval.py --config-name=eval experiment=catdog_ex_eval.yaml

  • dvc stage add -f -n infer -d configs/experiment/catdog_ex_eval.yaml -d src/infer.py python src/infer.py --config-name=infer experiment=catdog_ex_eval.yaml

  • dvc stage add -n report_genration python scripts/metrics_fetch.py

  • You would have generated a dvc.yaml file, data.dvc file and dvc.lock file push all these to github

Integrate Comet ML

  • Comet-ML is already inegrated with pytorch lighting so we just need to add config files in "logger" folder and use proper api key for it.

Github Actions with DVC Pipeline for training

  • setup cml, uv packages using github actions and install python=3.12
  • Copy the contents of credentials.json and store in github reprository secrets with name GDRIVE_CREDENTIALS_DATA


Debugging and development

Use a subset of train and test set for faster debugging and development. Also u can reduce the configs of model to generate a custom 3 million param vit model. I have reduced from 5 million params to 3 million params by using the config. However to run the pretrained model we can change this config.

Overall Run

  • dvc repro


  • dvc repro train


  • dvc repro test


  • dvc repro infer

Create CML report

  • Install cml pacakge
  • python scripts/metrics_fetch.py will fetch the necessary files needed for report and place it in root folder
  • report_gen.shcollects and appends every metric to readme file
  • cml tool is used to comment in github and it internally uses github token to authorize

CI Pipeline Development

  • Using GitHub Actions and the dvc-pipeline.yml, we are running all above actions and it could be triggered both manually and on pull request given to main branch


  • Learnt about DVC tool usage, Comet ml, and cml


Comet-ML Dashboard

comet ml dashboard

Work flow success on main branch

Run details - here

main workflow

Work flow success run on PR branch

Run details - here

Pull request - here

pr triggered workflow

Comments from cml with plots and 10 infer images

Details - here

cml comment

Note: I used Google cloud Storage bucket for this project as it was faster than gdrive and its paid one so after successfully completing this assignment i am going to remove it. So you need to do the cloud setup again for re-running this experiment.

Group Members

  1. Ajith Kumar V (myself)