This tutorial and corresponding (code)[https://github.com/jakobwesthoff/inkplate10-first-tinkering/] is very useful to get started
Install Visual Studio Code
- Open the source folder
- This will prompt the install:
- PlatformIO extension
- Quick start
Build (Ctrl-Alt-b)
Upload to the board (LHS PlatformIO icon in VSCode / esp32 / General / Upload)
- In "platform.ini" add -DARDUINO_INKPLATE10 or -DARDUINO_INKPLATE10V2 to "build_flags" depending on which version of the board you have
- Added lib_ldf_mode=deep to platform.ini to fix "FS.h" not found errors
- SD card needs to be FAT32 formatted. Used "guiformat"
- Installed the CH340 drivers. Not 100% sure it is really required.