
This repository is a wrapper to pre-train a BERT model from scratch using custom vocabulary in a single or multi GPU machine.

Details of the pre-training evaluation as well pre-training tips in the medium post

Environment setup

  • Setup pytorch environment with/without GPU support using link
  • For multi gpu training, Nvidia container may also be required. See section below on Multi GPU run using Nvidia container
  • parallel for creating training record gen in parallel. On ubuntu apt-get install parallel

Steps to pretrain starting with corpus pre-processing

Step 1. Corpus pre-processing for sentence boundary detection

One of BERT's objective is next sentence prediction. The corpus having sentences separated by newlines is critical for this reason.

Use this repository code for sentence boundary detection

Perform sentence boundary detection using script It filters out lines less than min_words (3) and greater than max_words (words not characters) Then “tr” the output to lowercase approx. This is only required for uncased model pretraining.


 python -input pubmed.txt -single True  | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' > combined.txt 

Step 2. Create two versions of corpus for vocab generation and pre-training

The output from the previous step is used to generate two versions of corpus. One is purely for vocab generation and the other is for pre-training

(a) Corpus for vocabulary generation

This step can be skipped if we want to retain numbers and non-english characters. We can directly use the corpus from step 1 for vocab gen in that case.Note numbers within token like cd20 will be preserved anyays. Filtering numbers is only useful for some domains to avoid a large number of years making way into the base vocab. Filtering non-english characters is prevent them from showing up in vocabulary. Note they will be replaced with [UNK] token any since the pretrained corpus section b has these tokens preserved anyway.


./ combined.txt corpus_for_vocab_gen.txt 

(b) Corpus for pre-training


time ./ combined.txt filtered.txt

Step 3. Generate BERT vocabulary

Use the corpus from Step 2a. to generate vocabulary


./ corpus_for_vocab_gen.txt  

Step 4. Create pretrain records for training

(a) This step converts the corpus into pieces (honoring document boundaries) which is then used by next step to create training records


./   filtered.txt pieces

(b) This step creates actual training records.

The configuration parameters that need to be set are in this script file itself. They are 
- INPUT_DIR  - this is directory where the pieces from step 4a are stored
- OUTPUT_DIR - output where checkpoints will be stored
- BERT_VOCAB_FILE - absolute path of vocab file from step 3.
- BERT_SCRIPTS  - location where github scripts of Google’s pretraining scripts are
- DO_LOWER_CASE - set this to false for lower case models
- MAX_SEQ_LENGTH  - this is the max length of words in a sentence (after tokenization)
- DUPE_FACTOR - this controls how many times a sentence is duplicated to create different masked positions of the same sentence.  
- MAX_PREDICTIONS_PER_SEQ - This controls the maxiumum predictions per sentence (this would be both masked and replaced words)



Step 5. Actual training of model

This step uses the trained records from step 4 to do actual model training

Google's pretraining code can be used as is only for single GPU runs. Nvidia's repository has a version that utilizes multiple GPUS. Training steps for both single and multiple GPUs is described below

Single GPU run

Parameters to be set.
- INPUT_PRETRAIN_FILE - location where all the training records are stored
- OUTPUT_DIR - location where training outputs are stored - the checkpoints
- BERT_VOCAB_FILE - location of vocab from step 3
- BERT_SCRIPTS  - location where github scripts of Google’s pretraining scripts are
- MAX_PREDICTIONS_PER_SEQ - should match what was used in step 4. 
- TRAIN_BATCH_SIZE - 64/32/16 based on memory availability
- MAX_SEQ_LENGTH - should match what was used in step 4. 
- NUM_TRAIN_STEPS - ~500k. This may need to be done based on how the cum distribution of words shifts - we don’t want the histogram tails to be too short. 
- NUM_WARMUP_STEPS - this is 1% of train steps for the first checkpoint. 0 for all subsequent trainings
- MAX_EVAL_STEPS - number of evaluations. Only the last evaluation results  are saved though. I haven't figured how to make it save all eval results.
- SAVE_CHECK_POINT_STEPS - too many checkpoints can cause us to run out of diskspace if we are low on it. I did checkpointing every 5k steps
- LEARNING_RATE - default works reasonably well.  Range to experiment 1 e-4 to 4 e-5
- CONTINUED_TRAINING - set this to 0 for initial training and to 1 for subsequent training
- INIT_CHECKPOINT - location of the checkpoint to resume from when CONTINUED_TRAINING is set to 1



Multi GPU run using Nvidia container

When using multi GPU training, BERT’s code for pretraining record generation is a better option, since whole word masking is not supported in Nvidia’s code base to date (they plan to add it in a future product release). Nvidia code can then only be used for the pre-training step.

The two scripts for pretraining with different hyperparams (they are nearly identical other than the params) are in the nvidia sub directory

Note. I had to patch Nvidia code due to some compile errors. The patched code is also present in the nvidia sub directory.

Additional notes

  • To convert Tensorflow checkpoint to PyTorch use
  • To examine model vectors use the link
  • When training model with Google's tensorflow code, checkpoint saving can be done with the utility script if we want to save all checkpoints as opposed to the last n checkpoints. Checkpoint saving tends to delete and keep last n checkpoint. So within the output directory run a script ../ - it will periodically check for checkpoints and save the checkpoint, the vocab and config.json file - all three are needed for pytorch model conversion. Also once all checkpoints are created, run from within the output directory to create eval results for all checkpoints.
  • As mentioned earlier, details of the pre-training evaluation as well pre-training tips in the medium post


MIT License